


Ascend produces bio-circular performance chemicals, PA66
08/01/2025 - © Ascend Performance MaterialsAscend Performance Materials announced today the successful production of acrylonitrile, hexamethylene diamine, adipic acid and nylon 6,6 from feedstocks...
DOMO Chemicals nombra CCO a Juha Jokinen
07/01/2025 - Juha Jokinen, Director Comercial de Materiales de Ingeniería de DOMO Chemicals.En este cargo, Jokinen supervisará el negocio de materiales de ingeniería de poliamida a nivel mundial, reportando...
European subsidiary acquires Spanish recycler
07/01/2025 - European subsidiary acquires Spanish recycler— By staff — Japanese polyamide specialist Ube (Tokyo; announced that its subsidiary, Ube Corporation Europe...
Ascend amplia la serie Bioserve
18/12/2024 - Introdotti in catalogo dal gruppo americano poliammidi 66 prodotte utilizzando oli di cottura esausti al posto di feedstock fossili. ...
Italian additive manufacturer buys competitor Polichem
18/12/2024 - Italian additive manufacturer buys competitor Polichem— By staff — The Greenchemicals headquarters in Desio, Italy (Photo: Greenchemicals)Additive...
Beverage giant deletes webpage pledging 25% reusable packaging target by 2030 / Move coincides with plastics treaty talks in Busan
06/12/2024 - Beverage giant deletes webpage pledging 25% reusable packaging target by 2030 / Move coincides with plastics treaty talks in Busan — By Somya Abrol — US beverage giant Coca-Cola is...
UNION partners with Envalior to make sustainable snowboard binding
05/12/2024 - The asymmetric snowboard binding features Envalior’s Durethan Blue, an eco-friendly nylon, allowing Union Binding Company to create its most sustainable snowboard binding yet
Teknor Apex amplia accordo con Nexeo
04/12/2024 - Distribuiti nella regione EMEA, oltre a TPE e TPV, anche tecnopolimeri e leghe per applicazioni in elettronica, mobilità e industria. ...
Ever “greener” polyamides from Domo Chemicals
12/11/2024 - The global leader in sustainable engineered materials Domo Chemicals has once again earned the prestigious EcoVadis Gold medal, now ranking in the top 2% of companies evaluated by...
Rear swing arm for e-bike made of reinforced polyamide
24/05/2023 - Two Bergamo-based manufacturers, RadiciGroup and Acerbis, have launched an innovative project, an absolute first in the e-bike market, arising from their desire...
ACCIONA remodelará la estación ferroviaria de Barcelona Sants y sus alrededores
- ACCIONA, en consorcio con Copcisa, ha resultado adjudicataria de los tres primeros proyectos destinados a la transformación integral de la estación de ferrocarril de Barcelona Sants. Los...
Biologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe – die neueste Entwicklung im Kampf gegen Mikrofaserverschmutzung
14/11/2024 - © ISPODie Verschmutzung durch Mikrofasern ist ein wachsendes Umweltproblem, vor allem, da 57% der weltweiten Faserproduktion aus synthetischen Fasern besteht. Diese Fasern tragen zu...
Biodegradable synthetics – the latest development in tackling microfiber pollution
14/11/2024 - © ISPOMicrofiber pollution is a growing environmental concern, especially with synthetics making up 57% of global fiber production. These fibers contribute to microplastics in our oceans...
Hexpol cresce nel compounding USA
08/11/2024 - Acquisita la maggioranza di Piedmont Resin Supply, società specializzata nella formulazione di tecnopolimeri poliammidici. È la terza operazione in Nord America in due anni. ...
Opening statement by Commissioner-designate Valdis Dombrovskis at the European Parliament confirmation hearing
07/11/2024 - European Commission Statement Brussels, 07 Nov 2024 Priekšs?d?t?ja kundze, priekšs?d?t?ja kungs!God?tie Eiropas Parlamenta deput?ti!Esmu pagodin?ts un gandar?ts atgriezties Eiropas Parlament? un...
Acquisition of majority stake in US compounder Piedmont
07/11/2024 - Acquisition of majority stake in US compounder Piedmontâ?? By staff â?? Hexpol is expanding its activities in the US with the acquisition of Piedmont (Photo: Piedmont...
Polímeros sostenibles en la nueva bicicleta Trek Madone
29/10/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">149
Vice-President Suica delivers a keynote speech via video message for an international conference “Europe's Mission in the World Order of Peace”, organized by the Croatian Pan-European Union and partners
24/10/2024 - European Commission Govor Brussels, 26 Oct 2024 Dame i gospodo, poštovani sudionici, Uvijek mi je posebno zadovoljstvo obratiti se skupovima paneuropske unije, pa makar i iz daleka, a posebno na...
Innovación sostenible: El desarrollo del Recycling Content TPE para Hilti
25/10/2024 - En la búsqueda constante de soluciones más sostenibles, la colaboración entre Hilti y
Product range expanded to include polyketone Grinyl K / Compounding of Hyosung base polymer
22/10/2024 - Product range expanded to include polyketone Grinyl K / Compounding of Hyosung base polymerâ?? By staff â?? Chemical-resistant or not: the same part made of PA 6 (l.) and...