


Investindustrial fund acquires Spanish masterbatch manufacturer
19/07/2024 - Investindustrial fund acquires Spanish masterbatch manufacturerBy staffJust six months after founders Salvador Torras and Martà­ Baqués acquired the...
Advancing PVC Gel Artificial Muscles with Carbon Nanotube Electrodes
05/07/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainReviewed by Lexie CornerJul 5 2024In a recent article published in
Compuestos de PVC con propiedades disipativas y semiconductoras
12/07/2024 - Delta Tecnic Tel.: 93 867 42 84 En aplicaciones críticas donde la...
La coloración uniforme y repetible que necesita la industria del PVC pasa por los pellets de tamaño reducido
- La industria del plástico está experimentando una revolución gracias a los pellets de tamaño reducido. Y es que el tamaño del pellet es un factor crucial en la fabricación de masterbatches....
Delta Tecnic: aditivos disipativos y semiconductores para PVC
10/07/2024 - Determinadas aplicaciones, como suelos de quirófanos o de salas de fabricación de chips, presentan riesgos para la seguridad y el funcionamiento de equipos sensibles por la electricidad...
A Tecnoplast il 70% del rivenditore PLG
09/07/2024 - L'operazione rientra nel piano di crescita e consolidamento sul mercato italiano dei serramenti in PVC. 9 luglio 2024 08:40 ...
Launch of R&D programme for solvent-based PVC recycling / First plant planned for 2030
05/07/2024 - Launch of R&D programme for solvent-based PVC recycling / First plant planned for 2030By correspondentThere is a reason why Vynova (Tessenderlo, Belgium;
Vynova announces R&D programme on PVC recycling technologies
01/07/2024 - Vynova has announced the launch of a research & development programme to further advance PVC recycling and help the PVC value chain accelerate towards...
Ritardante di fiamma DCP in Candidate List
28/06/2024 - L'ECHA ha aggiornato l'elenco delle sostanze estremamente preoccupanti che potrebbero essere soggette ad autorizzazione. 28...
Explosion at Chinese port city injures seven / PVC supply could be affected
27/06/2024 - Explosion at Chinese port city injures seven / PVC supply could be affectedBy staffSeven injured, in part heavily, and one person missing â?? an explosion has shaken the Chinese...
Consumi di PVC al minimo
26/06/2024 - L'anno scorso il mercato italiano si è attestato a 535.000 tonnellate e questa volta non è stato sostenuto dal riciclato. 26...
Vynova Launches R&D Program to Advance PVC Recycling and Circularity
- TAGS:  PVC, Plasticizers and Sustainability    
Vynova avanza en el reciclaje de de PVC
24/06/2024 - Los esfuerzos de innovación de Vynova se centrarán en tecnologías para eliminar metales pesados ??de los residuos rígidos disueltos de PVC posconsumo, como perfiles de...
Sicomin resins used in Olympic windsurfing board construction
05/06/2024 - Source | Sicomin Epoxy Systems
Rinnovato il vertice di EPPA
11/06/2024 - Götz Schmiedeknecht eletto nuovo presidente dell'associazione dei produttori europei di sistemi in PVC per serramenti. 11 giugno...
Aslan presents a new digital printing film
10/06/2024 - Gloss white digital print film LoopPET UltraTack ASLAN DRP 07 has...
Continuous mixer for mechanical and chemical recycling
15/05/2024 - (Picture Farrel Pomini) At NPE 2024, Farrel Pomini displayed a...
Study Shows the Presence of Microplastics in Human and Canine Testicular Tissue
29/05/2024 - Found 12 Types of MicroplasticsIn a new paper published in the journal Toxicological Sciences, a team led by Xiaozhong “John” Yu, MD, PhD, MPH, a professor in the UNM College of...
Researchers Develop Cool Paint Using Recycled Plastics
06/06/2024 - An NTU research team has successfully developed new methods to create a type of “cool paint” using recycled plastics – namely acrylic, old PVC pipes and polystyrene foam...