DUS Airport & Greenlyte Carbon Technologies Partner to Build World’s First integrated DAC-to-SAF Facility
13/02/2025 -
© Greenlyte Carbon TechnologiesDüsseldorf Airport (DUS
Threaded insert CAD models now available in online catalogue
12/02/2025 -
As this year’s partner country, Spain is set to showcase its dynamic and rapidly growing additive manufacturing (AM) sector at Formnext 2025. With a strong presence of innovative exhibitors and...
The Danish bio-producer that made it in China
12/02/2025 -
As Western investments back away from China, Denmark’s Novonesis is continuing to build on a three-decade presence there. With a biochemicals portfolio…Full text:...
Tidal Vision completes $140M Series B to Scale Chitosan Technologies Globally
12/02/2025 -
Tidal Vision Full Team 2024 © Tidal Vision / Alex GaynorTidal Vision, a biotechnology company transforming critical industries with chitosan-based chemistries, announced the closing of an...
AI-powered self-healing asphalt: A step toward sustainable net-zero roads
11/02/2025 -
In laboratory experiments, the self-healing bitumen—the sticky black material in the asphalt mixture held by Dr Jose Norambuena-Contreras in the photo above—was shown to completely heal a...
Asphalt aus Biomasseabfällen repariert Straßenrisse selbstständig
11/02/2025 -
Ein Wissenschaftsteam der britischen Swansea University und des King’s College London haben in Zusammenarbeit mit chilenischen Wissenschaftlern einen Asphalt entwickelt,…Full text:...
Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the European Automotive Industry Thematic Working Group ‘Clean Transition of the automotive sector' - Participant Organisations
11/02/2025 -
European Commission News Brussels, 11 Feb 2025 PARTICIPANT ORGANISATION: ACEA (The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association)E-Mobility Europe (European Electric Road Vehicle Association)BEUC...
La industria de fabricación impulsa el mercado de los semiconductores en TIMTOS 2025
El papel fundamental de Taiwán en la cadena internacional de suministro de semiconductores sigue creciendo, junto con la creciente demanda de aplicaciones de IA. World Semiconductor...
Austrian film manufacturer invests EUR 4 mn in expansion
10/02/2025 -
Austrian film manufacturer invests EUR 4 mn in expansionâ By staff â Film manufacturer and processor Coreth (Unterwaltersdorf, Austria;
Trump riabilita le cannucce in plastica
07/02/2025 -
'Quelle di carta non funzionano' secondo il neo presidente degli Stati Uniti, intenzionato a lanciare la campagna "Back to Plastics!". ...
Wisconsin Oven ships curing oven for filament-wound composites
22/11/2024 -
The delivered curing oven. Source | Wisconsin Oven Corp.Wisconsin Oven Corp. (East Troy,...
Clean Aviation launches third proposal call for disruptive aviation projects
02/12/2024 -
Source | Getty Images
DFG funds composites-focused Collaborative Research Center
05/12/2024 -
Prof. Christian Hopmann presents the project proposal for the...
NIAR, SNC partnership to modernize USAF 747-8i aircraft
05/12/2024 -
Source | WSU-NIARWichita State University’s (WSU, Kan., U.S.) National...
MerConcept, Extracthive integrate rCF components into racing yacht construction
12/12/2024 -
RCF ballast vent designed by Extracthive....
Vestas to repurpose Isle of Wight facility for U.K. onshore blades
16/12/2024 -
Source | VestasFollowing an agreement in...
Braided thermoplastic composite H2 tanks with co-consolidated molded boss areas to fit EV battery space
18/12/2024 -
Source | TUD-ILK, BRYSON project,
Breton companies launch recyclable hydrofoil design project
26/12/2024 -
A recyclable hydrofoil is tested on the laboratory boat...
AZL Aachen completes hydrogen tank R&D project
01/01/2025 -
AZL CAD design and CAE analysis examples for Type 4 hydrogen...
Archer completes construction of high-volume manufacturing facility for Midnight eVTOL aircraft
02/01/2025 -
Archer’s high-volume manufacturing facility, ARC....
Infinite Composites, ORNL to advance long-term H2 storage
01/01/2025 -
Source | Infinite CompositesComposite pressure...