EU Enforces Ambitious Packaging and Recycling Rules as New Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Takes Effect Today
13/02/2025 -
© Adobe StockAfter two years of negotiation, the EU finalised the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) end of 2024. It transforms the directive into a binding...
Industry calls for a product group specific approach to the Ecodesign’s first Working Plan
In view of the finalisation of the first Ecodesign Working Plan,15 industry associations, including EUROPEN, ranging from branded goods to furnitures recommend that the European Commission takes a...
I dazi sull'alluminio aiutano il PET?
13/02/2025 -
I produttori di bevande potrebbero passare dalle lattine alle bottiglie in plastica. Coca-Cola ci sta già pensando. 13 febbraio...
Comindex confía en Envalora
Comindex es una de las empresas que ha adherido a Envalora, el Sistema Colectivo de Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor (SCRAP) para el sector industrial que ha recibido la autorización...
Nova supplying Winpak with recycled PE for flexible packaging
10/02/2025 -
Nova Circular Solutions will supply Winpak with Syndigo material for its packaging materials for perishable foods,...
Orbis Opens New Manufacturing Plant in Texas
07/02/2025 -
Photo: OrbisORBIS® Corporation, a global manufacturer of reusable packaging solutions, is...
Electrochaea und Baker Hughes bringen weltweit einzigartige Biomethanisierungs-Technologie auf den Markt
12/02/2025 -
Electrochaea, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen für Power-to-Gas-Technologie, gibt einen wichtigen Meilenstein in seiner Zusammenarbeit mit dem globalen Energietechnologiekonzern Baker...
West Pharmaceutical Services introduces its Daikyo PLASCAP RUV closures
12/02/2025 -
Developed with a metal-free polypropylene cap with an integrated stopper, these solutions provide additional support in advanced therapy applications.
Genpak unveil its polypropylene bowl and lid line, Grab-A-Bowl
12/02/2025 -
The product line provides improvements in performance, reliability, and functionality.
StarLITE-R Still, la base de botella ligera 100% rPET de Sidel
12/02/2025 -
StarLITE-R Still es una innovadora base de botella de Sidel que garantiza la integración de 100% PET reciclado, pesos ligeros y una alta velocidad de producción para bebidas sin...
Colines, Gneuss y ExxonMobil Signature Polymers impulsan la producción de film estirable con contenido reciclado
12/02/2025 -
Amcor guarda al PEF
12/02/2025 -
Siglato accordo con Avantium per lo sviluppo congiunto di imballaggi in bioplastica. Prenotata anche capacità dei futuri impianti in licenza. ...
Produzione industriale in rosso nel 2024
12/02/2025 -
Anche a dicembre prosegue la flessione dell'Indice Istat (-7,1%). Gomma-plastica chiude l'anno con -2,8% 12 febbraio 2025...
ALPLA Expands in Egypt with Full Acquisition of Joint Venture Taba
TAGS: Sustainability / Natural Solutions
APP Group Showcases Biodegradable Products at EcoPro 2024: Advancing Sustainable Packaging and Forest Restoration in Japan
11/02/2025 -
Plastic pollution remains a global concern these days, and Japan is among the countries grappling with its challenges. Due to its location in the North Pacific, Japan is a country that...
POLYVANTIS showcases its product portfolio at BAU 2025
11/02/2025 -
POLYVANTIS recently attended BAU 2025 in Germany, where it showcased its product portfolio. This includes EUROPLEX, LEXAN PC film and sheet and the new 20-year warranty for LEXAN THERMOCLEAR...
Swiss manufacturer considers sale of metal packaging division / 75 employees affected
12/02/2025 -
Swiss manufacturer considers sale of metal packaging division / 75 employees affectedâ By Plasteurope.com staff â Swiss packaging manufacturer Hoffmann Neopac (Thun;...
@aimplas Aimplas refuerza su oferta formativa con nuevos títulos profesionales propios para impulsar la especialización en el sector del plástico
11/02/2025 -
Bangkok acogerá un nuevo punto de encuentro para la industria asiática del plástico
11/02/2025 -
La feria de SCRAP ofrecerá una visión de las opciones disponibles para cumplir con el marco legal
11/02/2025 -
El Cluster de Innovación en Envase y Embalaje ha organizado en una sesión única en Valencia un encuentro entre la mayoría de los Sistemas de Responsabilidad Ampliada...