ModernSynthesis is making compostable materials that last a lifetime
17/02/2025 -
Jen Keane’s claim to fame is that she grew a shoe using bacteria, coaxing the microbes to deposit their nanocellulose…Full text:
BioBond Announces Revolutionary Biobased Protective Coatings
17/02/2025 -
BioBond, a leader in sustainable and cost-effective, high-performance materials, today announced the launch of its groundbreaking line of biobased protective coatings for the food...
Medical plastics extrusion market on the rise
17/02/2025 -
What if 3D printing could be faster, more efficient, and more precise — all thanks to holograms? Researchers at EPFL and SDU have developed a groundbreaking technique that uses 3D holographic...
Trump tariffs could increase Coca-Cola's plastic bottle usage says Chief
17/02/2025 -
Following President Trump’s 25% import tax on all steel and aluminium entering the USA, James Quincey has stated Coca-Cola may move away from aluminium cans and rely upon plastic bottle packaging.
Designing lighter trains without compromising strength
17/02/2025 -
Professor Eric Moussiaux at Exel Composites dives deep into the 'Talent train' Project designed with an entire outer body shell manufactured using composite materials.
El PVC sustituye a la madera en el mercado mundial de ventanas
18/02/2025 -
Las previsiones para el sector de la construcción son alentadoras: las ventas de marcos de ventanas se están recuperando cada vez más. La última edición del...
Insulation specialist to sell Glass Reinforcements division to Praana Group for EUR 724 mn
18/02/2025 -
Insulation specialist to sell Glass Reinforcements division to Praana Group for EUR 724 mnâ By staff â The facilities of the Global Glass Reinforcements division...
Materiales plásticos detectables fiables para entornos exigentes de producción de alimentos
17/02/2025 -
Nuovo CSO/CTO alla Illig
17/02/2025 -
Matthias Holder ha assunto il doppio ruolo presso il costruttore tedesco di termoformatrici e macchine per imballaggio. 17...
Trinseo ripone fiducia nel 2025
17/02/2025 -
In flessione i risultati dell'esercizio 2024, ma il CEO del gruppo crede nel piano di ristrutturazione avviato due anni fa. 17...
Sgominato traffico di rifiuti verso la Croazia
17/02/2025 -
Rifiuti pericolosi da Italia, Slovenia e Germania spacciati come plastiche riciclabili e poi interrati o abbandonati nell'ambiente. Arrestate 13 persone. ...
Allerta in Germania per la scarsità di riciclato
17/02/2025 -
Nel 2030 potrebbero mancare all'appello quasi un milione di tonnellate di plastica rigenerata necessaria ad ottemperare agli obblighi comunitari. ...
Scomparso ex CEO di Battenfeld
17/02/2025 -
Georg Emanuel Tinschert era stato alla guida del costruttore austriaco di presse a iniezione dal 2007 al 2019. 17 febbraio 2025...
LG Chem to Commercially Produce 100% Plant-based Acrylic Acid
TAGS: Sustainability / Natural Solutions ...
Avantium and EPC Engineering & Technologies Collaborate to Commercialize Continuous PEF Production Technology
14/02/2025 -
© AvantiumAvantium N.V., a leader in renewable and circular polymer materials, has signed a collaboration with EPC Engineering & Technologies GmbH, an international technology...
Bio? Synthetic? Well, which is it?
14/02/2025 -
Biosynthetic Fibres © nova-Institute 2024Since the 2000s, the term “biosynthetics” has been used to describe synthetic fibers of biological origin. To defossilise the textile...
Biobasierte Lösung für das Verpacken von Lebensmitteln mit Schutzatmosphäre entwickelt
14/02/2025 -
© Christin Klose – stock.adobe.comDen Prototyp einer nahezu 100-prozentig biobasierten, thermoformbaren Mehrschichtfolie, die sich für die Verpackung von Lebensmitteln unter...
Polyvel Europe: Neues Additiv-Masterbatch für die PLA-Verarbeitung – Beispiel Teebeutel-Verpackungen
14/02/2025 -
Image by freepikDas hochdosierte, einfach zu verarbeitende Granulat reduziert den weiteren Anbieteranagben zufolge effizient den hohen Reibungskoeffizienten von PLA. Auf diese Weise...
AIMPLAS unveils demonstrator for plastic products’ digital passport
14/02/2025 -
The digital passports will make information including product characteristics (materials, manufacturing date, etc), usage instructions, warranties, and recycling recommendations available to...
Sumitomo (SHI) Demag expands in the Irish polymer processing market
14/02/2025 -
Sumitomo (SHI) Demag has appointed two new roles: Kris Thacker as a technical sales manager and Cathal Deegan as the service engineer to support the company's Irish expansion into the polymer...