


La factoría de Landaben de Volkswagen finalizó 2024 con una producción de 274.688 coches, 1.415 más que en 2023
- Volkswagen Navarra finalizó el año 2024 como la cuarta fábrica mundial por volumen de producción de las diecisiete de la marca Volkswagen, tan sólo por...
Bosch presentó productos basados en IA y software que hacen la vida más segura, eficiente y cómoda
- El software y la inteligencia artificial (IA) ya están dando forma a nuestro presente. En el futuro, sin embargo, serán cruciales. Bosch reconoció rápidamente las...
JEC World 2025 is celebrating composite materials
04/01/2025 - The injection moulding market is on a steady growth path, fueled by rising demand for lightweight materials, sustainable practices, and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. With applications...
Un aparcamiento subterráneo automatizado para bicis emplea cadenas portacables de igus
- Para que la transición de la movilidad funcione y el uso de bicicletas poco a poco gane terreno frente al de los coches, las ciudades necesitan aumentar la cantidad de parkings para...
Mercato dell'auto in stallo nel 2024
03/01/2025 - Le immatricolazioni in Italia sono state l'anno scorso poco più di 1,55 milioni, lo 0,5% in meno rispetto al 2023. Ma mancherebbero all'appello 300 mila unità. ...
Stellantis cede il controllo di Comau
31/12/2024 - La maggioranza del costruttore torinese di automazione industriale passa alla finanziaria One Equity Partners. A Stellantis la quota di minoranza. ...
CATL Launches the Bedrock Chassis That Withstands 120 km/h Impact Without Catching Fire or Exploding
- On December 24th, CATL officially launched the CATL Bedrock Chassis, the world's first ultra-safe skateboard chassis. With its outstanding performance of withstanding 120 km/h frontal impact...
Continental separa Automotive e cede i prodotti in gomma
23/12/2024 - Annunciati i piani di riorganizzazione delle attività del produttore tedesco di pneumatici. Dismissione in vista per la divisione OESL di ContiTech. ...
Comienza el proyecto POLYMEER que transformará el bagazo de cerveza en bioplásticos de alto valor
- El proyecto, financiado por Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking del programa Horizonte Europa, contempla el uso de estos bioplásticos como films agrícolas, textiles para...
Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the European Automotive Industry to start in January
19/12/2024 - European Commission Press release Brussels, 19 Dec 2024 On 27 November 2024, in a speech to the European Parliament, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced her decision...
Expansion of plants in Czech Republic, Bulgaria / Crisis in automotive industry affects supplier
19/12/2024 - Expansion of plants in Czech Republic, Bulgaria / Crisis in automotive industry affects supplier— By staff — Automotive supplier Witte (Velbert, Germany;...
Responsabile vendite Italia in KraussMaffei
18/12/2024 - Luigi Tondi ha assunto la funzione di Head of Sales Italy del costruttore tedesco di presse a iniezione. 18 dicembre 2024...
THK executives to highlight AI, robotics and sustainability at Timtos
14/12/2024 - At GF Casting Solutions Altenmarkt, the use of CNC turning machines from Emco is supporting efficient spare parts production for die casting tools. This approach helps reduce setup times, streamline...
El Gobierno Vasco conoció de primera mano las instalaciones de Gestamp
- Mikel Jauregi, consejero de Industria, Transición Energética y Sostenibilidad, visitó el 9 de diciembre Gestamp, en el Parque Empresarial Boroa de Amorebieta-Etxano...
Building permit for pyrolysis demonstration plant in Netherlands / Schedule significantly delayed
16/12/2024 - Building permit for pyrolysis demonstration plant in Netherlands / Schedule significantly delayed— By staff — (l. to r.) Itero project manager Sieto Schenkel and André...
Dai compositi alla guida dei giovani imprenditori
13/12/2024 - Stefano Peroni di CBS - Advanced Composites eletto presidente del Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori di Confindustria Alto Milanese. 13...
Continental valuta lo spin-off di Automotive
12/12/2024 - La divisione, che conta oltre 100mila addetti, potrebbe essere quotata in Borsa come società indipendente già l'anno prossimo. ...
Envalior and Ford win SPE Automotive Innovation Award
11/12/2024 - The collaboration between Envalior and Ford Motor Company proved to be successful. The former has been awarded the prestigious 'Most Innovative Use of Plastics' award in the Materials category at the...
Spin-off of automotive division planned by end-2025 / Plastics-related ContiTech to remain with group
11/12/2024 - Spin-off of automotive division planned by end-2025 / Plastics-related ContiTech to remain with group— By staff — Following various reports of bankruptcies and job cuts,...
Ioniqa pronta a tornare in pista
11/12/2024 - Lo annuncia il fondatore della società olandese specializzata nel riciclo chimico di PET e poliestere, in procedura fallimentare da ottobre. ...