


Polytives: The flow enhancers of the bFI product family
23/12/2024 - Originally developed on an acrylate basis, the flow enhancers of the bFI product...
Italian additive manufacturer buys competitor Polichem
18/12/2024 - Italian additive manufacturer buys competitor Polichem— By staff — The Greenchemicals headquarters in Desio, Italy (Photo: Greenchemicals)Additive...
Ceresana prevé que aumente el consumo de materiales aislantes para construcción
10/12/2024 - ¿Ahorro de petróleo con paneles de espuma rígida fabricados a partir de petróleo? El poliestireno expandido, el Airpop y otros materiales ahorran más...
Lieve aumento dei prezzi per PS e ABS
04/12/2024 - Trinseo ha annunciato a dicembre un rincaro per le stireniche a marchio Styron e per i copolimeri Magnum. 4 dicembre 2024...
Desarrollan un nuevo proceso para el reciclaje químico de poliestireno
21/11/2024 - Investigadores alemanes han presentado un novedoso método electroquímico para reciclar los residuos de poliestireno que además produce hidrógeno como subproducto.Menos del 10%...
Extrusion of PS/PP thermoforming sheets for electronics packaging
07/06/2023 - Amut has recently completed the testing of a new PS and PP sheet co-extrusion line to be delivered to a leading European processor of thermoformed...
Packaging, caos normativo in Francia
13/11/2024 - Annullato il divieto al confezionamento di ortofrutta nella plastica, rinviato al 2030 il bando a EPS e XPS. 13 novembre 2024...
Q3 sees EPS specialist still in the red / Signs of improvement reported in some markets
11/11/2024 - Q3 sees EPS specialist still in the red / Signs of improvement reported in some marketsâ?? By staff â?? Norwegian EPS specialist Bewi (Trondheim; remains in the red...