


Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated  
14/01/2025 - It is getting exciting again in Cologne on 12 and 13 March for the cellulose fibres industry. Six new products have been nominated for the popular innovation award. The jury has...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Die sechs Nominierten stehen fest
14/01/2025 - Am 12. und 13. März wird die Cellulosefaserindustrie wieder mit besonderem Interesse nach Köln blicken. Sechs Produkte sind für den beliebten Innovationspreis nominiert...
Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), December 2024
14/01/2025 - Happy New Year from the Renewable Carbon Initiative!We’re excited to start 2025 with renewed focus on advancing the transition to renewable carbon. Thank you for...
A Step Forward in Recycling: The RECLAIM Project and Its Innovative Equipment for Plastic Waste
14/01/2025 - © AIMPLASThe RECLAIM  project has brought to life an innovative and sustainable solution: a portable robotic system designed for...
BU Scientists make breakthrough in self-repairing plastic
14/01/2025 - A research team led by Bournemouth University added specially developed nanomaterials to plastic samples which allowed them to self-heal after being damaged and retain almost all their...
Complexity and precision in silicone injection moulding
14/01/2025 - Plastimagen, taking place from March 11 to 14, 2025, in Mexico City, serves as a key platform for the Mexican plastics industry. At stand 730 in hall D, Arburg will showcase two advanced injection...
Production volumes vs environmental impact
14/01/2025 - Can any form of plastics production ever be zero impact? And is it more environmentally considerate to produce products on a small scale, or is mass production more attuned to what the French refer...
Accumold to showcase micro-moulded plastic components at Photonics West 2025
14/01/2025 - The company hopes to promote the importance of precision micromoulding when established at the beginning of the product development cycle.
Envapro hace balance de 2024
14/01/2025 - La compañía de envases desechables para take away, Envapro, ha cerrado el año 2024 con cifras muy positivas. Esta empresa del sector del packaging ha logrado una...
Llamada de atención de la CE a España por el etiquetado para la gestión de residuos
14/01/2025 - El mes pasado, la Comisión Europea decidió incoar un procedimiento de infracción mediante el envío de una carta de notificación a España (INFR(2024)4029) por no cumplir...
KRIOPLAS: molienda criogénica para obtener polvo fino y ultrafino
14/01/2025 - AIMPLAS, Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico, amplía sus capacidades en micronizado criogénico para el desarrollo de materiales en polvo ultrafinos de interés para la...
PVC production in Czech Republic on brink of collapse / Caprolactam production also discontinued
14/01/2025 - PVC production in Czech Republic on brink of collapse / Caprolactam production also discontinued— By staff — Polish plastics group PKN Orlen (Plock; has...
Nuova manager per NPE
14/01/2025 - Angela Mealy è la nuova responsabile di strategia, operazioni, budget, gestione progetti e del successo della fiera americana dedicata alle materie plastiche. ...
Avient espande i riciclati in Turchia
14/01/2025 - Incrementata la produzione di compound Nymax REC a base PA6 con contenuto di riciclato fino al 100%. 14 gennaio 2025 10:34 ...
Anche a novembre produzione giù
14/01/2025 - Ventiduesimo mese consecutivo col segno meno per la produzione industriale in Italia. In controtendenza gli articoli in gomma e plastica. ...
A che punto è il riciclo dell'organico in Italia?
14/01/2025 - Uno studio commissionato da Biorepack all'Università di Roma Tor Vergata mostra un quadro con luci e ombre e indica le azioni di miglioramento da intraprendere. ...
Status and Outlook: Bio-based Polymers worldwide
13/01/2025 - As the New Year begins, let’s take a closer look at the current state of bio-based polymers. We look at the rapidly growing production capacity, the major investments currently...
CARBIOS postpones construction of its PET biorecycling plant for 6 to 9 months
- CARBIOS, (Clermont-Ferrand, France) is postponing the construction of its PET biorecycling plant in Longlaville for 6 to 9 months due to delayed funding pending completion of additional financing...
PET Technologies drives innovation in flexible bottle production
10/01/2025 - Husky has won the 2024 Fedil Innovation Award in the Process category for its revolutionary Plate Line Automation project. This Industry 4.0 initiative integrates advanced robotics, digital twin...
Swift & Whitmore secures grants to boost exports and sustainability goals
10/01/2025 - The global plastics industry continues to adapt and grow, with increasing investments in innovation and sustainability. Kielce's May Plastpol exhibition provides an important platform for showcasing...