


Three bubbles for blown shrink film
17/04/2024 - Kuhne Anlagenbau focus at NPE 2024, Orlando, Florida, USA, 6-10 April, will be on large turnkey lines for extruding flexible simultaneously biaxially...
Polycarbonate panels for a Polish kindergarten construction project
10/04/2024 - Bright rooms for carefree play. With the construction of a new public kindergarten, the village of Bobrowniki near Katowice in Poland has created a modern environment for its...
EPPA welcomes Elena Vyboldina as new Managing Director
10/04/2024 - (Picture EPPA) EPPA, the European trade association of PVC window system suppliers,...
MacPlas lands on LinkedIn
10/04/2024 - A few days ago MacPlas inaugurated its profile on LinkedIn, the business platform par excellence, which today boasts around one billion users worldwide. Always attentive to new...
Versalis to acquire Tecnofilm and expands in the compounding
23/04/2024 - (Picture Tecnofilm) Versalis, Eni's chemical company, announced the closing completion...
Engineered 3D Hydrogel Addresses Microplastic Contamination in Water
15/04/2024 - Apr 15 2024Reviewed by Bethan DaviesMicroplastics pose a great threat to human health. These tiny pieces of...
Aditivos BYK para sistemas de altos sólidos
- A la hora de formular pinturas más respetuosas con el medio ambiente, la reducción de componentes volátiles es un objetivo esencial.Los sistemas convencionales han evolucionado de forma...
La UE grava las importaciones chinas de PET
23/04/2024 - Escamas de PET. Imagen de archivo.La Comisión Europea ha impuesto tasas antidumping definitivas sobre las importaciones de determinado tereftalato de polietileno (PET) procedentes de China. Con...
PET recycling plant in southeast Mexico poised to go on stream / Joint venture with Coca-Cola
23/04/2024 - PET recycling plant in southeast Mexico poised to go on stream / Joint venture with Coca-ColaA new PET recycling facility in the Mexican state of Tabasco is about to go on stream. According to the...
Beverage company switches from â??non-recyclableâ? bags to polypropylene / Launch in the UK
23/04/2024 - Beverage company switches from â??non-recyclableâ? bags to polypropylene / Launch in the UKThe Capri Sun Group (Zug, Switzerland;
RadiciGroup studia il tracciamento del nylon nei tessuti
23/04/2024 - Presentato a Techtextil un sistema basato su un codice QR e su un tracciante inorganico aggiunto alla poliammide dei filati. 23...
Tecniplas combines FRP with ESG
- For Tecniplas, a manufacturer of FRP tanks and equipment, the demand for gas scrubbers has risen by more than 150% in the last two years, according to Luiz Gustavo Rossi, commercial director. He...
La industria europea de construcción usa 231 millones de metros cúbicos de materiales aislantes
23/04/2024 - Extremadamente finos y altamente aislantes, ignífugos y ligeros como una pluma: ¿Son los aerogeles los materiales aislantes del futuro? Ya están disponibles no solo para...
Jackon, Austrotherm raise prices for panels and insulation materials
19/04/2024 - Jackon, Austrotherm raise prices for panels and insulation materialsAfter prices for polystyrene rose sharply in recent months, EPS specialist Jackon (Steinhagen, Germany;
Joint-venture in Cina nella PA66
22/04/2024 - Nilit e Shenma costruiranno insieme un nuovo impianto dedicato alla produzione di nylon per usi tessili nella casa e nell'auto. ...
Agr becomes part of Indicor industrial solutions company
22/04/2024 - Agr was recently acquired by Indicor, a diversified industrial solutions company. As a world-class, innovative supplier of quality assurance and process automation equipment to the global...
Los recicladores celebran el rechazo en la Eurocámara al método de balance de masas para el cálculo del contenido reciclado en envases
19/04/2024 - Las principales asociaciones de gestores de residuos destacan que la propuesta de la CE objetada ayer por la Comisión de Medio Ambiente del Parlamento Europeo favorecería el reciclaje químico...
ACCIONA, Patrimonio Nacional y PhotoESPAÑA se alían para promover un viaje fotográfico por el patrimonio natural de los Reales Sitios
- PHotoESPAÑA, Patrimonio Nacional y ACCIONA anunciaron hoy un acuerdo para promover de manera conjunta el proyecto fotográfico Cuadernos de Campo.Esta iniciativa, a lo largo de...
The green revolution of food waste upcycling to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates
19/04/2024 - Highlights Upcycling food waste into PHAs offers a promising solution to reduce environmental impact and generate value-added products for drug…Full text:
Next free PEFerence webinar with a market update on bio-based building blocks and polymers 
19/04/2024 - Save the date and register to the next PEFerence webinar! This time, Pia Skoczinski from nova-Institute will give a sophisticated insight into the dynamically growing market of bio-based...