


Boom Supersonic accelerates Overture aircraft and engine development
- Boom Supersonic, the company building the world’s fastest airliner, today announced milestones across its Overture airliner and Symphony engine programs at the Farnborough International Airshow....
New large-scale project for PA 6.6 at Chinese site of Tianjin / Feedstock facilities for AND, HMD in planning stage
25/07/2024 - New large-scale project for PA 6.6 at Chinese site of Tianjin / Feedstock facilities for AND, HMD in planning stageNew large-scale project for PA 6.6 at Chinese site of Tianjin / Feedstock facilities...
Automotive segment closes plant in Wackersdorf, Germany / Industrial division suffers from weak demand for semi-finished thermoplastics
24/07/2024 - Automotive segment closes plant in Wackersdorf, Germany / Industrial division suffers from weak demand for semi-finished thermoplasticsBy staffDespite record sales last year and an...
Propylene, PP: Grupa Azoty stops production in Police after fire
23/07/2024 - Propylene, PP: Grupa Azoty stops production in Police after fireBy staffPolish company Grupa Azoty (Tarnà³w, has had to stop the production of propylene and...
Plastics compounder establishes sales office in US / Local production planned in medium term
23/07/2024 - Plastics compounder establishes sales office in US / Local production planned in medium termBy staffAkro-Plastic (Niederzissen, Germany;
Valorización de residuos mixtos a base de PE y aluminio, entre retos y nuevas oportunidades: el método Bausano
- La reciente revisión de la política europea de envases abre una brecha decisiva para unos envases más sostenibles. Según la Directiva PPWD (Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive),...
Le Siel conflue avec la FNB
22/07/2024 - > Il y a dix ans, le Syndicat de l’industrie et des services de la palette...
ExxonMobil introduces Enable 1617 performance polyethylene
22/07/2024 - ExxonMobil has announced the launch of its Enable 1617 performance polyethylene (PE) grade. ×
Breakthrough in Textile Recycling: Separating Nylon from Cotton
19/07/2024 - A research team comprising material engineers at the University of Delaware has developed a method of chemical recycling to separate…Full text:
MR Cartonnage Numérique opte pour le jet d’encre de Fujifilm
19/07/2024 - > Après HP, Fujifilm… C’est sur une Jet Press 750S que, finalement, MR Cartonnage Numérique a porté son dévolu. « Nous nous intéressions au jet d’encre depuis un...
Calendrier du lundi 22 juillet 2024 au dimanche 28 juillet 2024
18/07/2024 - European Commission Commissioners' weekly activities Brussels, 19 Jul 2024 (Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)Déplacements et visites Lundi 22 juillet 2024Mr Margaritis Schinas in...
Investindustrial fund acquires Spanish masterbatch manufacturer
19/07/2024 - Investindustrial fund acquires Spanish masterbatch manufacturerBy staffJust six months after founders Salvador Torras and Martà­ Baqués acquired the...
Norner, Plast Nordic and Dr. Sarkissova establish collaboration in chemical recycling of PET
18/07/2024 - Rune Byremo von Plast Nordic und Norner-Chef Kjetil Larsen. For plastic packaging and polyester textiles, we can now chemically recycle the materials back into their original chemicals. This entails...
Plast Nordic: Pläne für das chemische Recycling von PET in Skandinavien
18/07/2024 - Im Rahmen einer strategischen Partnerschaft will Plast Nordic (Kristiansand / Norwegen) zusammen mit dem Technologieunternehmen Norner (Porsgrunn / Norwegen) und…Full text:
RecyClass rivede le linee guida sull'ecodesign
18/07/2024 - Affinate in base a recenti campagne di test le raccomandazioni per la corretta progettazione degli imballaggi per la riciclabilità. ...
Reloop, nuova vita agli scarti di stretch film
18/07/2024 - Hipac lancia un'iniziativa di economia circolare per il recupero di polietilene da film estensibile presso gli utilizzatori. 18...
CARBIOS und die ZHINK Gruppe nehmen erste offizielle Gespräche über eine langfristige Partnerschaft zum Aufbau von PET-Biorecycling-Industriekapazitäten in China und eine Lizenzvereinbarung über 50.000 Tonnen/Jahr auf
17/07/2024 - Emmanuel Ladent, CEO von CARBIOS (Fünfter von rechts) und Zhu GuoYang, Präsident der ZHINK Gruppe (Vierter von rechts) © CARBIOSDie Partnerschaft würde der ZHINK Gruppe erhöhte...
Léko lance son AAP dédié au réemploi
17/07/2024 - > Au mois de juillet 2024, Léko lance son appel à projets (AAP) dédié au réemploi. La société agréée pour la valorisation des emballages et papiers ménagers au titre de...