


Secondo mandato per il presidente del WPC
18/12/2024 - Benny Mermans di Chevron Phillips Chemical rieletto alla guida dell'organizzazione che rappresenta a livello globale i produttori di materie plastiche. ...
@igus_Inc Igus presenta una nueva corona giratoria de madera y plástico
20/06/2024 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">356
nova-experts (re)introduced: Dr. rer. nat. Asta Partanen
26/02/2024 - Dr. rer. nat. Asta Partanen © nova-InstitutDr. Asta Partanen is a senior expert at nova-Institute, working for more than ten years in two departments Economy & Policy as well as...
Muestras de extrusoras para la producción de perfiles de ventana, tubos, extrusión de WPC y PEX de Weber
19/05/2023 - El stand de Roegele contará con varias muestras de Weber. Se trata de una empresa especializada en la fabricación de extrusoras para la producción de perfiles de ventana,...
Estrusione non convenzionale di riciclati e biopolimeri
04/04/2023 - Nel suo centro R&D Bausano progetta e testa linee per la lavorazione di materiali post-consumo e bioplastiche. 4 aprile 2023...
PIXARGUS inline system looks to provide accuracy for plastics and wood
29/03/2023 - PIXARGUS claims its ProfilControl 7 DX WoodPlasticComposites provides 100% dimension measurement of WPC deck boards. ×
nova-experts introduced: Vanessa Kleinpeter
13/03/2023 - Vanessa Kleinpeter © nova-InstituteBehind every superhero there is a bright and capable secretary, that is also the case for nova. Vanessa joined the nova-team in April of 2015 as a...
Möbel, Dielen, Verpackungen – wie Pappel-Produkte den Einsatz fossiler Rohstoffe reduzieren
08/11/2022 - Internationale Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft und Industrie haben in den letzten fünfeinhalb Jahren neue, bio-basierte Produkte aus Pappeln entwickelt. Im Rahmen des
Producing Wood-Plastic Composites with Recycled Polypropylene
- In an article recently published in the journal , researchers discussed the utility of simulated polypropylene...
Concentrado de suero de leche como auxiliar para un estilo de vida activo
07/01/2022 - Eurial Ingredients & Nutrition (I&N)...
WPC producer to expand its international business / Extensive use of recycled PE
05/11/2021 - WPC producer to expand its international business / Extensive use of recycled PEThe companyâ??s aim is to increase the focus on WPC decking, also on the European market (Photo: PIE)US company...
WPC como material alternativo a la madera
02/12/2020 - Categoría: ConstrucciónLa tendencia actual de desarrollar productos respetuosos con el medio ambiente lleva a los investigadores a buscar materiales alternativos en variedad de...
Wood-Plastic-Composites: Ein Sekundärrohstoff mit Startschwierigkeiten - Bio-based News -
31/08/2020 - Holz-Polymer-Werkstoffe oder Wood-Plastic-Composites (WPC) sind Verbundwerkstoffe aus einer lignocellulosehaltigen Komponente sowie thermoplastisch verarbeitbarem Polymer. Als Material von hohem...
China-based Huali Flooring investing $27M in Georgia
27/05/2020 - The Chinese company, which manufactures luxury vinyl tile, stone plastic composite and wood plastic composite flooring, says the facility will create 315 new jobs.
Wood-Plastic Composite Decking Gaining in Popularity, According to Freedonia Group Study
26/02/2020 - The popularity of wood-plastic composite (WPC) and other types of plastic decking, railing and fencing continues to grow, as evidenced by the Q4 and 2019
Dow Launches Silicone Polyethylene Hybrid Technology for Wood Plastic Composites
29/10/2019 - Addressing the need for innovative and sustainable alternatives in the plastic composites industry, Dow has...
Bioplastics compounder acquires WPC and sheet producer Naftex
13/06/2019 - Bioplastics compounder acquires WPC and sheet producer NaftexNatural fibre and bioplastics compounder Biofibre (Altdorf / Germany;
Europe's waste management federation FEAD expects plummeting EU exports after Basel Convention amended / Impacts to recycling also of concern to WPC
24/05/2019 - Europe's waste management federation FEAD expects plummeting EU exports after Basel Convention amended / Impacts to recycling also of concern to WPCFollowing the amendments to the Basel Convention...