


W-Cycle and Melhoramentos Join Forces to Produce Compostable Food Containers 
04/12/2024 - W-Cycle and Melhoramentos Join Forces to Produce Compostable Food Containers © MelhoramentosW-Cycle, Ltd., an innovator in sustainable food packaging, and Melhoramentos, a publicly traded...
Teknor Apex to deliver more sustainable polymers
04/12/2024 - Teknor Apex offers a broad portfolio of materials — including both polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) — to deliver the right solutions for healthcare...
Teknor Apex amplia accordo con Nexeo
04/12/2024 - Distribuiti nella regione EMEA, oltre a TPE e TPV, anche tecnopolimeri e leghe per applicazioni in elettronica, mobilità e industria. ...
New Masterbatch of metallic fibers for electromagnetic shielding
04/12/2024 - Efficiency and electromagnetic protection are becoming increasingly crucial in the...
Breakthrough in capturing ‘hot’ CO2 from industrial exhaust
03/12/2024 - Water vapor emerging from cooling towers at an industrial plant. Water is used to cool exhaust gases to a temperature at which carbon capture is possible with aqueous amines. A new UC Berkeley...
Equiplast 2026 liderará la transformación sostenible del sector del plástico y el caucho
03/12/2024 - Equiplast, el Encuentro Internacional del Plástico y el Caucho, regresa en 2026 ampliando su compromiso como el evento clave que reúne a todos los líderes de las industrias...
Distribution of Momentive, SI Group additives expands in Europe
03/12/2024 - Distribution of Momentive, SI Group additives expands in Europe— By staff — French speciality chemicals distributor Safic-Alcan (Paris; said it...
AGI lleva la impresión 3D a Advanced Manufacturing Madrid 2024
02/12/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">183
Estrudere con il polipropilene
02/12/2024 - Il compounder francese Benvic propone la nuova serie DotCore PP sviluppata mettendo a frutto l'esperienza acquisita con il PVC. 2...
La bolsa de HDPE es la mejor
- Los estudios de ACV pueden definir los criterios para elegir las alternativas de materias primas más sostenibles, destaca Abiplast –...
Los científicos logran reciclar rápidamente microplásticos para convertirlos en grafeno
- Los investigadores de la Universidad James Cook han logrado un avance significativo que les permite convertir los microplásticos en un material de gran valor. El estudio se 
Schunk ensures maximum process reliability through NC simulation
26/11/2024 - Arburg Additive impressed at Formnext 2024 with the debut of the Freeformer 550-3X, new materials like TR 90 and LMPAEK, and breakthroughs in medical and aerospace applications. Sustainability and...
3D-printing advance mitigates three defects for failure-free metal parts
22/11/2024 - This year's Formnext showcased the latest breakthroughs in Additive Manufacturing, focusing on innovative applications, sustainable practices, and advancements across the production process. Industry...
Expertos en el arte de procesar tejidos
- GRAFE identifica las tendencias y ayuda a los clientes a llevarlas a cabo hasta el producto acabadoCuando se trata de tendencias en superficies, la naturaleza nos ofrece la...
Congelato progetto di riciclo chimico in Francia
27/11/2024 - Secondo i media francesi sarebbe stata messa in pausa la costruzione dell'impianto di depolimerizzazione di rifiuti PET a Saint-Avold. ...
PLA con fibra di legno
27/11/2024 - Bio-Fed ha ampliato la serie M·Biobase con il nuovo compound M·Biobase PLA 035 WF30 nat al 95% biobased. 27 novembre 2024...
Defectos en materiales compuestos: detección y análisis con ultrasonidos
- El estudio de defectos en materiales compuestos mediante técnicas no destructivas ha ganado una importancia significativa en la industria moderna debido a su presencia en gran...
California Enacts Enforcement Scheme for PFAS Ban in Plant-Based Food Packaging
08/10/2024 - California AB 347, which was signed by the governor on September 29, 2024,...
New light-blocking technology for dairy PET packaging available in North America from Avient
11/11/2024 - Avient Corporation announced the launch of ColorMatrix™ Lactra™ LX Light Blocking Additive for PET packaging. This new technology, intended for dairy packaging applications, enables...
Arburg demonstrates expanded capabilities in Additive Manufacturing
25/11/2024 - The OEM manufacturer of laser scanning solutions, Scanlab, is expanding its range of solutions for additive manufacturing (AM) and other fields of application, such as micromachining.