Additives, fibres for high-temperature materials / Subsidiary in US
25/10/2022 -
Additives, fibres for high-temperature materials / Subsidiary in USBieglo MD John Biesterfeld at K 2022 (Photo: PIE)German distributor Bieglo (Hamburg;
PCG completes acquisition of special chemistry producer Perstorp
13/10/2022 -
Perstorp announced that it has been acquired by PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG), Malaysia´s leading integrated chemicals provider and part of PETRONAS Group, on 11 October 2022.In...
Rumeurs autour de la cession d’Albéa
12/07/2022 -
> Albéa pourrait être vendu par son propriétaire actuel, PAI Partners, la branche d’investissements du groupe Paribas. C’est ce qu’avance Bloomberg qui cite des sources...
Insulation specialist expands research and production capacities in Germany
07/07/2022 -
Insulation specialist expands research and production capacities in GermanyExpansion: Armacell invests in its presence in Germany (Photo: Armacell)The manufacturer of flexible insulation materials...
Recycling accreditation service approves two more products
21/06/2022 -
Recycling accreditation service approves two more productsRecyClass has approved two products for European recyclaing streams (Photo: Fotolia/Syda Productions)European recycling initiative...
Acuerdo para la venta de Perstorp a Petronas
19/05/2022 -
Sentados de izquierda a derecha: los CEOs de PCG, Ir. Mohd Yusri Mohamed Yusof; y PAI Partner, Fabrice Fouletier. De pie, de izquierda a derecha: el director financiero de PCG, Mohd Azli Ishak; el...
Perstorp nel mirino di Petronas
17/05/2022 -
Petronas Chemicals Group Berhad ha siglato un accordo per rilevare il 100% del produttore svedese di specialità chimiche. 17...
Moldex3D makes a big step in bubble shrinkage predictability
07/09/2021 -
Product Research and Development Engineer at CoreTech System (Moldex3d) Barry Pai discusses how foaming simulation can make bubble shrinkage much more predictable.
DOMO Chemicals Launches Cost-efficient PEEK-based Product for Industrial Applications
01/09/2020 -
DOMO Chemicals has expanded its...
Armacell passa di mano
Il produttore tedesco di isolanti flessibili ceduto dal fondo Blackstone a PAI Partners e KirKbi, la holding finanziaria che controlla Lego. ...
Takeover of flexible foam manufacturer by PAI Partners and Lego owner Kirkbi
06/12/2019 -
Takeover of flexible foam manufacturer by PAI Partners and Lego owner KirkbiArmacell?s ?Armaflex? insulation materials (Photo: Armacell) Private equity firm PAI Partners (Paris / France;...
Fiber-reinforced blades
26/03/2019 -
Solvays Torlon polyamide-imide (PAI) material has been used to make a line of EnduroSharp scraper blades.Tool maker Performance Plastics Ltd has reportedly chosen Solvay’s Torlon...
The Global Market for Polyamide-imide (PAI) Resin: 2018-2023 -
06/12/2018 -
Investors to fund next stage of growth for Swedish speciality chemicals producer
04/10/2018 -
Investors to fund next stage of growth for Swedish speciality chemicals producerPrivate equity group PAI Europe (Paris / France;
Nuovi azionisti per Perstorp
Il controllo della società svedese passa ad un fondo finanziario guidato da PAI Partners e Landmark Partners. 27 settembre 2018...
Rods and sheets made of high-performance plastics PAI and PEI
17/09/2018 -
Rods and sheets made of high-performance plastics PAI and PEIGerman PEEK materials distributor Bieglo (Hamburg; has expanded...
Trelleborg to acquire Sil-Pro from PAI
MINNEAPOLIS—Precision Associates Inc. and business partner Kevin Carver have sold their interest in Sil-Pro to Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in a deal that's expected to be finalized in the...
PAI Partners oficializa la compra de Albéa
Dos meses despuésde anunciar el inicio de las negociaciones exclusivas entre ambos,el grupo inversor francés PAI Partners ha hecho pública la adquisición ...
Takeover by French investment company PAI Partners complete
04/04/2018 -
Takeover by French investment company PAI Partners completePrivate equity company PAI Partners (Paris / France;
PAI Partners, en negociaciones para comprar Albéa
Sun Chemical se encuentra en negociaciones para vender Albéa al grupo PAI Partners por unos 1.500 M$,
Packaging specialist Albéa opens exclusive sales talks with PAI Partners
11/01/2018 -
An affiliate of Sun European Partners, a leading private investment advisory firm, has announced the start...