


Los mejores fotoiniciadores para el curado UV
- Los fotoiniciadores son compuestos químicos que se utilizan para iniciar reacciones de polimerización mediante la absorción de radiación. Cuando los fotoiniciadores se exponen a una fuente de...
Polymer editing can upcycle waste into higher-performance plastics
24/01/2025 - To upcycle the polymers of discarded plastics, chemists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory invented a way to generate new macromolecules with more valuable properties than those of the starting...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated
- The use of leaves for cellulose pulp and packaging, seaweed as a feedstock for biosynthetic fibres, plant-based surface material for car interiors and much more – The award nominees are as diverse...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated  
14/01/2025 - It is getting exciting again in Cologne on 12 and 13 March for the cellulose fibres industry. Six new products have been nominated for the popular innovation award. The jury has...
160,000 t/y PLA plant to be constructed in UAE / Facility leverages Sulzer Chemtech PLA technology / Plant operational in 2028
13/01/2025 - 160,000 t/y PLA plant to be constructed in UAE / Facility leverages Sulzer Chemtech PLA technology / Plant operational in 2028— By correspondent — Emirates...
Los científicos logran reciclar rápidamente microplásticos para convertirlos en grafeno
- Los investigadores de la Universidad James Cook han logrado un avance significativo que les permite convertir los microplásticos en un material de gran valor. El estudio se 
Desarrollan un nuevo proceso para el reciclaje químico de poliestireno
21/11/2024 - Investigadores alemanes han presentado un novedoso método electroquímico para reciclar los residuos de poliestireno que además produce hidrógeno como subproducto.Menos del 10%...
Optimizing CO2 Capture with Metatitanic Acid/?-Al2O3 Aerogel Composite
14/10/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainReviewed by Lexie CornerOct 14 2024In a recent article published in
Green Synthesis of Carbon Quantum Dots from Almond Resin for Biomedical Use
22/10/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainReviewed by Lexie CornerOct 22 2024In a recent article published in
A Novel Approach to Producing High-Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles
18/10/2024 - Reviewed by Lexie CornerOct 18 2024A group of researchers from the Research Centre for Laser Extreme Manufacturing at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese...
New Method for Creating Highly Luminescent Nanoparticles
22/10/2024 - Reviewed by Lexie CornerOct 22 2024The Chinese researchers, under the direction of Professor Yuqiang Jiang of the Chinese Academy of...
Innovative Catalyst Enables Chirality-Specific Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes
23/10/2024 - Reviewed by Lexie CornerOct 23 2024A research team from Tohoku University, led by Associate Professor Toshiaki Kato of the Advanced Institute for Materials Research, has successfully...
Advancements in Single Photon Detection with AsO2I/Ppy-I Nanocomposite
28/10/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainReviewed by Lexie CornerOct 28 2024In a recent
Silica/Klucel Nanocomposite for Efficient Lead Removal from Wastewater
05/11/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainReviewed by Lexie CornerNov 5 2024In a recent article published in
A New Era of Flame Aerosol Synthesis
06/11/2024 - Reviewed by Lexie CornerNov 6 2024Recent studies co-led by engineers from the University at Buffalo, published in Nature...
Enhancing Solid-State Lithium Batteries with Nano-Ceramic Electrolytes
19/11/2024 - By Dr. Noopur JainReviewed by Lexie CornerNov 19 2024A study published in
OCSiAl opens European graphene nanotube production facility
01/11/2024 - OSCiAl’s Serbian production facility. Source (All Images) |...
Uso de materiales basados en CO2 en la construcción
- El aumento del dióxido de carbono, CO2, en la atmósfera por las emisiones antropológicas está favoreciendo al progresivo desarrollo de problemas a nivel mundial como el cambio...
OCSiAl Opens First European Graphene Nanotube Facility
09/11/2024 - OCSiAl, the Luxembourg company, has opened its first...
Nanotube production for vehicle batteries opened in Belgrade
06/11/2024 - Nanotube production for vehicle batteries opened in Belgradeâ?? By staff â?? Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) manufacturer Ocsial (Leudelingen, Luxembourg;