


Neste & Tepsa strengthen chemical recycling logistics infrastructure in Europe
- Neste (Espoo, Finland) enhances its chemical recycling capabilities by collaborating with Tepsa Netherlands on the storage and handling of liquefied waste plastic in Rotterdam, the...
Steps towards enzymes capable of breaking down PE
- Every year, 400 million tonnes of plastic products are produced worldwide, half of which are single-use items discarded within a year. Particularly, non-biodegradable plastic waste, which...
Project for re- and up-cycling of bioplastics
- The new EU funded ReBioCycle project provides a portfolio of bioplastic sorting and recycling technologies within three complementary waste-processor-centric hubs. These hubs will be...
Compost gratuito con la raccolta dell'umido
03/10/2024 - I cittadini di Aprilia stanno ricevendo gratuitamente sacchetti da 10 litri di fertilizzante per terreni, orti e giardini. 3...
Due nomine in NatureWorks
03/10/2024 - Roger Tambay è il nuovo Chief Growth Officer del produttore di bioplastiche, mentre Roger Kempa è stato confermato nella carica di Chief Financial Officer. ...
Investigan la obtención de bioplásticos a partir de una alga invasora
01/10/2024 - El proyecto RUGUPLAS evaluará la viabilidad técnica del uso del alga invasora Rugulopteryx okamurae para la producción de bioplásticos aplicables en el sector pesquero, uno de los más...
Reinforcing plastic polymers with cellulose and other natural fibers
02/10/2024 - While plastics are very useful on their own, they can be much stronger when reinforced and mixed with a range…Full text:
New ReBioCycle project on novel recycling and up-cycling solutions for bio-plastics
- Berlin, 2 October 2024 – The new EU funded ReBioCycle project provides a portfolio of bioplastic sorting and recycling technologies within three complementary...
Cómo realizar un ensayo de compostabilidad: pruebas específicas, criterios de evaluación y normas de aplicación
01/10/2024 - En un mundo cada vez más consciente de la importancia de la sostenibilidad, los productos compostables se han convertido en una alternativa crucial para reducir el impacto...
UPM Biochemicals and Södra accelerate the commercialisation of innovative lignin-based solutions
30/09/2024 - UPM Biochemicals will be among the first customers to receive kraft lignin from Södra when the forest-owner association’s plant in Mönsterås comes on stream in 2027. Södra’s new...
Fyous to debut ultrafast mould-making technology at Formnext
30/09/2024 - At Fakuma, FKUR will showcase its latest developments in sustainable plastics. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the benefits and applications of the company’s new bioplastic and...
Bolsas biodegradables de yuca: se disuelven en el agua y no contaminan
30/09/2024 - Ecobioplast produce bolsas hidrosolubles que se disuelven en agua en segundos sin afectar negativamente el medio ambiente y se convierten en alimento para animales y microorganismos.Cada...
CARBIOS and SLEEVER® partner up to co-develop and bring to market first Home Compost biodegradable shrinksleeve labels
- CARBIOS and SLEEVER® announced the signing of an exclusive, long-term contract to jointly develop Home Compost biodegradable mono-oriented transverse shrink films. This...
Catálogo de pruebas de empaques y envases
24/09/2024 - Los envases y empaques (E&E) están diseñados para cumplir funciones como proteger, contener y conservar los productos, facilitar su transporte y tratamiento. Para ello, requieren de pasar...
RUGUPLAS evaluará la viabilidad técnica del uso de un alga invasora para la producción de ...
- Desde 2016, el alga invasora Rugulopteryx okamurae está causando enormes complicaciones a los sectores pesquero y turístico del entorno del Estrecho de Gibraltar (Ceuta, Tarifa,...
Credito d'imposta per l'acquisto di beni e imballaggi 'green'
26/09/2024 - Lo sportello online per presentare le domande sarà attivo dal 21 ottobre 2024 al 20 dicembre 2024. 26 settembre 2024 08:43 ...
A Green Chemistry Breakthrough: Sustainable Collagen Extraction from Sardine Bones Using Banana Peel Water Extracts
25/09/2024 - A research team has developed an innovative and sustainable method to extract collagen from sardine bones using water extracts from…Full text:
Call for Innovation: Cellulose Fibres Conference 2025 – New with Biosynthetics 
24/09/2024 - © nova-Institut GmbHWithin the framework of the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2025, the nova-Institute together with the Innovation Award sponsor GIG Karasek, is looking for the...
Spotlight on Stuttgart: A Showcase of Cutting-Edge Foam Technology and Solutions
- Join Foam Expo Europe from 3-5 December 2024 in Stuttgart to explore cutting-edge foam technologies that are driving advancements in manufacturing efficiency and sustainability. More than 200...
BIOFAST logra reducir el tiempo de los ensayos de biodegradación aplicados a bioplásticos en entornos de compostaje
- La aceleración de los estudios de biodegradación permite una mayor eficiencia en los procesos de desarrollo de bioplásticos compostables, reduciendo los costes operativos y mejorando la...