


Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated  
14/01/2025 - It is getting exciting again in Cologne on 12 and 13 March for the cellulose fibres industry. Six new products have been nominated for the popular innovation award. The jury has...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Die sechs Nominierten stehen fest
14/01/2025 - Am 12. und 13. März wird die Cellulosefaserindustrie wieder mit besonderem Interesse nach Köln blicken. Sechs Produkte sind für den beliebten Innovationspreis nominiert...
Uso de la cáscara de huevo en la industria plástica
27/12/2024 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">278
Infinited Fiber and Norbite collaborate in EU-funded TEX-INSECT project
18/12/2024 - © Infinited Fiber CompanyInfinited Fiber Company is pleased to announce its collaboration on the EU funded
Ascend amplia la serie Bioserve
18/12/2024 - Introdotti in catalogo dal gruppo americano poliammidi 66 prodotte utilizzando oli di cottura esausti al posto di feedstock fossili. ...
Paper excellence se fond dans Domtar
17/12/2024 - > À la suite de l’acquisition de Domtar au mois d’octobre, le canadien Paper excellence a changé de nom pour devenir Domtar. Issue de l’intégration des trois sociétés...
Haelixa Enhances Organic Cotton Traceability with C&A Partnership
16/12/2024 - © HaelixaHaelixa has partnered with C&A, one of Europe’s leading fashion retailers, to advance the traceability of its organic cotton. The partnership stems from C&A’s...
Just 0.3% of materials used by the global textile industry come from recycled sources, with almost no textile-to-textile recycling 
16/12/2024 - Synthetic fabrics, such as polyester, account for 63% of the materials used in clothing production, with 30% of all clothing produced discarded before ever being...
There is almost no textile-to-textile recycling
- The global textile industry, including fashion and home textiles, consumes 3.25 billion tonnes of resources each year to produce increasingly short-lived items. Only 0.3 % of these materials...
igus consigue desarrollar un cuadro de bicicleta inyectado con plástico reciclable
- Tras la RCYL, una bicicleta fabricada a partir de un 50% de redes de pesca recicladas, igus marca el siguiente hito en movilidad sostenible: el primer cuadro de bicicleta inyectado con...
Dai compositi alla guida dei giovani imprenditori
13/12/2024 - Stefano Peroni di CBS - Advanced Composites eletto presidente del Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori di Confindustria Alto Milanese. 13...
Ioniqa pronta a tornare in pista
11/12/2024 - Lo annuncia il fondatore della società olandese specializzata nel riciclo chimico di PET e poliestere, in procedura fallimentare da ottobre. ...
W-Cycle and Melhoramentos Join Forces to Produce Compostable Food Containers 
04/12/2024 - W-Cycle and Melhoramentos Join Forces to Produce Compostable Food Containers © MelhoramentosW-Cycle, Ltd., an innovator in sustainable food packaging, and Melhoramentos, a publicly traded...
Teknor Apex amplia accordo con Nexeo
04/12/2024 - Distribuiti nella regione EMEA, oltre a TPE e TPV, anche tecnopolimeri e leghe per applicazioni in elettronica, mobilità e industria. ...
New Masterbatch of metallic fibers for electromagnetic shielding
04/12/2024 - Efficiency and electromagnetic protection are becoming increasingly crucial in the...
Estrudere con il polipropilene
02/12/2024 - Il compounder francese Benvic propone la nuova serie DotCore PP sviluppata mettendo a frutto l'esperienza acquisita con il PVC. 2...
La bolsa de HDPE es la mejor
- Los estudios de ACV pueden definir los criterios para elegir las alternativas de materias primas más sostenibles, destaca Abiplast –...
Expertos en el arte de procesar tejidos
- GRAFE identifica las tendencias y ayuda a los clientes a llevarlas a cabo hasta el producto acabadoCuando se trata de tendencias en superficies, la naturaleza nos ofrece la...
Congelato progetto di riciclo chimico in Francia
27/11/2024 - Secondo i media francesi sarebbe stata messa in pausa la costruzione dell'impianto di depolimerizzazione di rifiuti PET a Saint-Avold. ...