


Scientists Design Durable Anti-Fogging Coating for Plastic Surfaces with "Self-Cleaning" Ability
- Researchers at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have created a new type of coating that, when coated on a...
Paccor lanza una gama de envases, que combina material reciclado y reutilización.
15/09/2020 - Paccor, fabricante de envases de plástico rígido, lanza para el mercado del catering la gama DeliCircle. Estos envases termoformados están hechos enteramente de tereftalato de...
Emery Oleochemicals expands its portfolio
25/02/2020 - Emery Oleochemicals, a leading global manufacturer of natural-based specialty chemicals, is pleased...
19/07/2019 - EFECTO VAHO/EFECTO ANTIVAHO El fenómeno de condensación de diminutas gotas de agua sobre una superficie, conocido como vaho o empañamiento, se...
Emery Oleochemicals' green high-performance antifogging and antistatic agents at Chinaplas 2018 
10/04/2018 - Emery Oleochemicals will showcase its line of natural-based performance polymer additives at the 32nd International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries being held at the National...