Prismatic tiles by Planefibra improve natural light
05/10/2023 -
Planefibra (Santa Catarina, Brazil), in addition to
Versalis nomina distributore per la regione DACH
21/07/2023 -
La vendita di elastomeri in Germania, Austria e Svizzera affidata alla divisione Luvomaxx di Lehvoss. 21 luglio 2023 08:35 ...
With immediate effect, the LUVOMAXX® business unit is expanding its product portfolio to include an extensive range of synthetic rubbers!
22/04/2023 -
ext-wrap" itemprop="articleBody">The Italian polymer manufacturer Versalis has appointed the LUVOMAXX® business unit of the LEHVOSS Group for the distribution of all its synthetic rubbers:...
Supermax to start glove production in Texas by yearend
19/04/2023 -
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia—Supermax Corp. Bhd. expects to complete the first phase...
Zeon raising prices on SR compounds, polyblends
27/03/2023 -
TOKYO—Zeon Corp. is raising its prices for synthetic rubber compounds and polyblends...
Reinforcing rubber with graphene nanotubes: new technology increases durability and conductivity of NBR
With its high oil and fuel resistance plus stability at high temperatures, nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) is commonly used in the automotive, aerospace, and oil and gas industries to make fuel...
Gomma nitrilica con nanotubi di grafene
02/03/2023 -
OCSiAl ha testato con successo l'utilizzo dei suoi additivi Tuball nella formulazione di mescole NBR per impieghi gravosi. 2...
Caucho NBR reforzado con nanotubos de grafeno
01/03/2023 -
OCSiAl ha ampliado su cartera de productos para reforzar y añadir conductividad a los cauchos con nuevas tecnologías de nanotubos de grafeno para caucho de nitrilo butadieno...
Synthomer expects latex gloves woes to continue in 2023
14/10/2022 -
London — Synthomer plc's nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) latex operations has continued to be hit by the post-COVID decline in rubber gloves demand, the London group has...
ITC rules U.S. NBR industry not injured by imports
14/07/2022 -
WASHINGTON—The International Trade Commission has determined that the U.S. industry "is not materially injured or threatened" by imports of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) from France,...
Zeon Corp. to raise prices on SR, latex July 1
15/06/2022 -
TOKYO—Zeon Corp. has announced plans to increase selling prices for its synthetic rubbers as well as synthetic latex, effective July 1.In a
Rising raw material prices put German rubber industry at 'load limit'
27/04/2022 -
FRANKFURT, Germany—The German Rubber Manufacturers Association (WDK) has warned that an anticipated "explosion" in raw materials prices threatens the existence of many players in the sector,...
French rubber industry records sustained price increases
21/04/2022 -
VITRY-SUR-SEINE, France—French rubber industry association the Syndicat National du Caoutchouc et des Polymères (SNCP) has recorded sustained increases in raw materials prices...
Glove rush continues: American Nitrile latest to plan NBR gloves production
24/03/2022 -
COLUMBUS, Ohio—Recently formed American Nitrile L.L.C. has seen its path clear to complete development of a nitrile glove manufacturing plant in nearby Grove City, Ohio.Founded by...
SNCP: Prices for rubber materials on the rise
17/02/2022 -
VITRY-SUR-SEINE, France—Prices for rubber materials have continued on an upward path since the beginning of the year, according to data recently issues by the SNCP (Syndicat National du...
ARLANXEO-TSRC JV Plant to be Relocated to Increase NBR Production
06/01/2022 -
Distribution of Sibur's rubber products in France, Iberia and Italy
27/04/2021 -
Distribution of Sibur's rubber products in France, Iberia and ItalySiburâ??s powder NBR is used in the production of car brake pads (Photo: PantherMedia/Vladru)Speciality chemicals distributor...
Gomma, norme ISO in adozione
La Commissione Gomma di UNI ha messo in inchiesta pubblica preliminare tre progetti di norma sulle procedure di valutazione di NBR, SBR ed EPDM. ...
Investimenti nella gomma europea
Arlanxeo ha completato l’ammodernamento del sito tedesco di Dormagen e sta lavorando a quello di La Wantzenau, in Francia. 8...
Sibur e Sinopec partner nella gomma
Siglati due accordi strategici per produrre in joint-venture SEBS e gomma nitrilica in Russia e in Cina. 19 settembre 2019...
$2.7 Bn Flexible Elastomeric Foam (Natural Rubber, NBR/PVC, EPDM, CR) Market - Global Forecast to 2023 -
29/03/2019 -