


Lattice Composites announces transition to standalone entity
06/12/2024 - Lattice Composites highlights various parts made...
McClarin Composites partners with ExxonMobil to accelerate high-speed RTM
18/12/2024 -  The Nowicki Autosport-designed Corvette Concept 8 showcases an...
American Chemistry Council Approves Two New Members
03/02/2025 - WASHINGTON (Feb. 5, 2025) – The American Chemistry Council (ACC) Board of Directors approved the addition of one new
Bisfenol A: avances en la prohibición del uso del BPA en envases
- El bisfenol A (BPA) es un compuesto químico ampliamente utilizado en la fabricación de policarbonato y resinas epoxi, materiales presentes en muchos productos, incluidos los...
La demanda de adhesivos en Europa supera los 3 millones de toneladas en 2023
21/01/2025 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">225
US group plans to enter PVC production / Kem One to deliver to US / German resin plant to restart production
20/12/2024 - US group plans to enter PVC production / Kem One to deliver to US / German resin plant to restart production— By staff — PVC intermediate products and epoxy resins have...
Cristex Composite Materials Will Be Exhibiting At The Advanced Engineering 2024 Show For Their 13th Consecutive Year.
09/10/2024 - Cristex will be highlighting their new range of Tooling & visual prepregs with Microtex Composites as well as their Kit Cutting, Slitting and Rewinding services.At Cristex they supply a...
CompoTech PLUS Automated Fibre Laying And Winding Machine Technology Offers Manufacturing Versatility To Produce Both Carbon Fibre Preforms And Final Components
15/10/2024 - A solution to a recognised new product development (NPD) cost barrier related to specialist carbon and aramid fibre technical fabrics is now accessible through the automated fibre laying (AFL)...
El proyecto REWIND desarrollará nuevas soluciones para desmantelar y reciclar palas eólicas
24/10/2024 - Liderado por Aimplas, REWIND contribuirá a la circularidad del sector eólico mediante el diseño de tecnologías críticas para el desmantelamiento de palas eólicas y metodologías para su...
REWIND desmantelará palas eólicas al final de su vida útil y aumentará su circularidad
19/11/2024 - Un nuevo proyecto de investigación europeo desarrollará tecnologías para desmantelar palas eólicas al final de su vida útil y aumentar su circularidad. REWIND...
Protecting vital medical implants with epoxies
06/11/2024 - Mike Hodgin, director of strategic applications, Meridian Electronics Division discusses enabling and protecting vital medical implants with epoxies.  × ...
IISc breakthrough for recycling Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers
03/10/2024 - A research group at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore has  made a breakthrough to recycle CFRP compositesCarbon fiber reinforced polymers consist of carbon fibers embedded in a...
Base Materials Further Strengthens Its Epoxy Materials Offering
17/09/2024 - Base Materials bolsters its industry-leading epoxy materials range with the launch of BE890, a specialist high-performance, toughened epoxy tooling board designed for use in the manufacture of...
Base Materials further strengthens epoxy materials offering
17/09/2024 - Base Materials expands its epoxy materials range with the launch of BE890, a specialist high-performance, toughened epoxy tooling board designed for use in the manufacture of advanced composite...
CFRP planing head: 50% less mass, 1.5 times faster rotation
09/09/2024 -   CFRP planing head reduces mass versus aluminum...
NanoSperse celebrates 15 years of aerospace composites service
24/07/2024 - Tooling surfaces for additive tooling...
Angelioni Group announces new logistics center
02/08/2024 - Mechanical testing at Angelioni Goup's Castano Primo facilitySource: Angelioni GroupAngelioni Group has announced has approved the project for a new logistics center in...
Angeloni Group announces new logistics center
02/08/2024 - Mechanical testing at Angelioni Goup's Castano Primo facilitySource | Angeloni Group