


Status and Outlook: Bio-based Polymers worldwide
13/01/2025 - As the New Year begins, let’s take a closer look at the current state of bio-based polymers. We look at the rapidly growing production capacity, the major investments currently...
160,000 t/y PLA plant to be constructed in UAE / Facility leverages Sulzer Chemtech PLA technology / Plant operational in 2028
13/01/2025 - 160,000 t/y PLA plant to be constructed in UAE / Facility leverages Sulzer Chemtech PLA technology / Plant operational in 2028— By correspondent — Emirates...
Emirates Biotech baut die weltgrösste Anlage für Polymilchsäure (PLA) – mit Sulzer-Technologie
18/12/2024 - Die weltgrößte PLA-Produktionsanlage von Emirates Biotech in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten. © Emirates BiotechEmirates Biotech hat sich bei ihrer geplanten Produktionsanlage für...
Emirates Biotech Selected Sulzer Technology to Build World’s Largest Polylactic Acid Production Facility
18/12/2024 - Upcoming Polylactic Acid (PLA) production plant in the United Arab Emirates © Emirates BiotechSulzer’s technology has been selected by Emirates Biotech for its upcoming Polylactic Acid...
Emirates Biotech Selects Sulzer technology to Build World’s Largest Polylactic Acid Production Facility
- Emirates Biotech (Duabi, UAE) has selected Sulzer (Winterthur, Switzerland) as the technologyprovider for its upcoming Polylactic Acid (PLA) production plant in the United Arab Emirates. The...
Bio-Fed: Produkterweiterung im neuen Sortiment für biobasierte sowie biomassenbilanzierte Produkte
03/12/2024 - Zugstäbe aus “M·Biobase PLA 035 WF30 nat” © Bio-FedEnde Juli dieses Jahres hat die Kölner Bio-Fed, Zweigniederlassung der Akro-Plastic GmbH, eine neue Produktlinie unter...
Nuevo avance en materiales biobasados: M·Biobase PLA 035 WF30 nat
02/12/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">115
Futerro va avanti con il PLA in Francia
02/12/2024 - Raccolti 12 milioni di euro per completare gli studi ingegneristici necessari per ottenere le autorizzazioni del nuovo impianto in Normandia. ...
PLA con fibra di legno
27/11/2024 - Bio-Fed ha ampliato la serie M·Biobase con il nuovo compound M·Biobase PLA 035 WF30 nat al 95% biobased. 27 novembre 2024...
Enhancing compatibility and biodegradability of PLA/biomass composites
- New torrefaction approach improves mechanical properties and decomposition rate of PLA composites.With an increasing focus on environmental sustainability, researchers are seeking ways to...
Enhancing compatibility and biodegradability of PLA/biomass composites via forest residue torrefaction
25/11/2024 - New Torrefaction Approach Improves Mechanical Properties and Decomposition Rate of PLA Composites © Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)With an increasing focus on...
Are biodegradable bioplastics meeting their promise?
21/11/2024 - Bioplastics are gaining significant attention as sustainable alternatives to petrochemical-based plastics. Derived from renewable, biobased feedstocks, these materials are seen as a key...
Teijin Frontier Announces Global Availability of Biodegradable BIOFRONT® PLA Resin
18/11/2024 - BIOFRONT® resin pellets © Teijin Frontier Co., LTD.Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd., today announced the global availability of its BIOFRONT® polylactic acid (PLA) resin, which biodegrades...
Bioplastiche per imballaggi conformi al PPWR
13/11/2024 - Presentati a Rimini, durante Ecomondo, alcuni risultati del progetto di ricerca europeo Green-Loop. 13 novembre 2024 08:42 ...
ClickPlastics rundet das Bio Portfolio ab
05/11/2024 - Neben den schon seit geraumer Zeit erfolgreich vertriebenen biologisch abbaubaren Polymeren PBAT und PBS des langjährigen Partners Hengli, stellt die ClickPlastics AG anlässlich der...
Responsabile marketing in CJ Biomaterials
05/11/2024 - Il compito affidato a Leah Ford, proveniente da NatureWorks, sarà quello di aumentare la visibilità dell'azienda e supportarne la crescita nel settore delle bioplastiche. ...
ClickPlastics AG: Neu entwickelte Bio-Compounds als ABS Ersatz
31/10/2024 - Auf der Fakuma 2024 wird die ClickPlastics AG Bio-Compounds vorstellen, welche ABS (Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol) in verschiedenen Anwendungen ersetzen können. Bio-Compounds bieten...
Selezione e riciclo di bioplastiche
21/10/2024 - Individuare modelli di economia circolare per PLA, PHA e biocompositi è l'obiettivo del progetto di ricerca quadriennale ReBioCycle. ...
Biodegradable PBAT/PLA compounds from Sweden / Applications in single-use and food packaging
18/10/2024 - Biodegradable PBAT/PLA compounds from Sweden / Applications in single-use and food packagingâ?? By staff â?? Sales of the highly filled Biodolomer compounds from Sweden appear to...