LCY targets sustainable operations with ISCC PLUS certification
13/02/2025 -
The certification relates to the company’s thermoplastic elastomers, polypropylene, and electronic-grade isopropyl alcohol solutions produced at its Huizhou, China, and Taiwan facilities.
Listado de expositores de Plastics & Rubber 2025 a un mes de su celebración
12/02/2025 -
Intertronics helps bond LSE materials with SCIGRIP SG400LSE MMA solution
11/02/2025 -
The solution is ideal for bonding LSE plastics like polypropylene, polyethene, and other polyolefins as well as thermoplastics elastomers to metals, FRP, and other plastics.
Momentary setback for Italian plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers
10/02/2025 -
The 2024 full-year forecast developed by the MECS Study Centre of the trade association Amaplast indicates a drop of approximately nine percentage points in Italian production of plastics and...
Clean Aviation launches third proposal call for disruptive aviation projects
02/12/2024 -
Source | Getty Images
The Future of Tire Manufacturing
06/02/2025 -
From March 4-6, 2025, UTH GmbH from Fulda/Germany will present its state-of-the-art rubber processing technologies at the renowned international Tire Technology Expo in Hannover. Fine...
Allod amplía sus instalaciones en Alemania con la incorporación de un centro de desarrollo tecnológico
05/02/2025 -
Progetti di norma UNI in inchiesta pubblica
04/02/2025 -
Riguardano lastre per isolamento termico all'esterno, tubi in gomma e resistenza degli elastomeri ai liquidi. 4 febbraio 2025...
Análisis y cuantificación del grado de desvulcanización en elastómeros
La desvulcanización es un proceso clave en la economía circular de los materiales elastoméricos, ya que permite recuperar caucho vulcanizado y reincorporarlo...
Capacidades en micronizado criogénico para el desarrollo de materiales en polvo ultrafinos...
Trabajar con polímeros en polvo aporta grandes ventajas en diferentes procesos productivos y puede aplicarse en sectores de alto valor añadido como el de la química sostenible, concretamente la...
K 2025 acogerá la Start-up Zone y el Start-up Pitch Towards Zero
04/02/2025 -
Tras su exitoso debut en la anterior edición de K, la Start-up Zone volverá a formar parte de la feria en 2025, esta vez en las inmediaciones del Science Campus....
IRSG Monthly Rubber Bulletin for January 2025 now available
31/01/2025 -
This publication is for the use of Member Governments and Panel of Associatesâ Members only and may not be passed to third parties without the prior consent of the International Rubber Study...
Elkem mette sotto esame i siliconi
31/01/2025 -
Annunciata dal gruppo norvegese una revisione strategica della divisione Silicones per ottimizzarne l'organizzazione. 31 gennaio...
AIMPLAS amplía sus capacidades en micronizado criogénico para el desarrollo de materiales en polvo ultrafinos de interés para la industria
El proyecto KRIOPLAS emplea la molienda criogénica para aplicaciones de alto valor añadido en química sostenible, fabricación aditiva y rotomoldeo entre...
Elastomer specialist records decline in 2024 sales and profit / Lower sales prices and negative currency effects
30/01/2025 -
Elastomer specialist records decline in 2024 sales and profit / Lower sales prices and negative currency effectsâ By staff â The unfavourable economic situation has left...
Fusione nella gomma del Sebino
30/01/2025 -
Argomm e Gapi hanno deciso di fondersi dando vita a un gruppo con un giro d'affari superiore a 220 milioni di euro e una presenza a livello internazionale. ...
Study Reveals High Levels of PFHxA in Smartwatch and Fitness Tracker Bands
TAGS: Sustainability / Natural Solutions ...
Denmark's Bjørn Thorsen appointed as focused distributor for thermoplastic elastomers
29/01/2025 -
Denmark's Bjà¸rn Thorsen appointed as focused distributor for thermoplastic elastomersâ By staff â Danish distributor Bjà¸rn Thorsen (Copenhagen;...
@MD_GmbH La lista de expositores de la feria K 2025 ya está disponible
24/01/2025 -
Biesterfeld and Celanese expand the joint portfolio in 2025
26/01/2025 -
Among others, the two LCP product families Vectra® and Zenite® have been added to the distributor's portfolio. These polymers are highly crystalline, inherently flame-retardant, thermotropic...
Interface Unveils First-Ever Carbon Negative Rubber Flooring Prototype
23/01/2025 -
© InterfaceInterface, Inc. (NASDAQ: TILE), the global flooring solutions company and leader in sustainability, today revealed a first-of-its-kind carbon negative nora® rubber flooring...