


Boom Supersonic accelerates Overture aircraft and engine development
- Boom Supersonic, the company building the world’s fastest airliner, today announced milestones across its Overture airliner and Symphony engine programs at the Farnborough International Airshow....
Syensqo and Orbex sign collaboration agreement to develop next-generation space launch systems
- “We are thrilled to partner with Orbex, a company that shares our vision for innovation and sustainability in the aerospace sector. This agreement is more than just a collaboration;...
Renewable fuels with excellent environmental profile
23/07/2024 - © Fuel Science Center, RWTH AachenScientists at RWTH Aachen University, the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, and ETH Zurich have developed synthetic fuels that show an...
Why you should care about the material in your diagnostic test
23/07/2024 - In the world of diagnostics, the materials used in tests are not just important—they are critical. Porex explains how they influence everything from the accuracy of results to the speed...
Cómo los estudios toxicológicos y los modelos predictivos potencian la seguridad en el desarrollo de nuevos productos
22/07/2024 - La seguridad y sostenibilidad en el desarrollo de nuevos productos es una prioridad absoluta para cualquier industria. En este contexto, la combinación de
Vertical Aerospace unveils most advanced and powerful full-scale VX4 prototype
- This next-generation VX4 is more powerful than the previous full-scale prototype, with an impressive 20% increase in the power to weight ratio, enabling the aircraft to reach speeds of up to...
RecyClass rivede le linee guida sull'ecodesign
18/07/2024 - Affinate in base a recenti campagne di test le raccomandazioni per la corretta progettazione degli imballaggi per la riciclabilità. ...
Economical boring tool has inserts with sintered chip breaking geometry
16/07/2024 - Millutensil has developed two new solutions for mould testing applications: the MIL 409 die test press and the Youmil 3525 press. These innovations enhance Millutensil's position in the die trial...
What's trending in point-of-care diagnostics?
12/07/2024 - Commercial director, Rory O’Keeffe, Europlaz, examines the latest innovations that the team believes will be transformative to future clinical pathways. × ...
Boom Supersonic completes construction of Overture Superfactory
18/06/2024 - Source (all images) | Boom SupersonicOn June 17, Boom Supersonic (Denver, Colo., U.S.) held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate...
Frewer Engineering Talk Gas Turbine Capabilities Ahead of ASME Turbo Expo
24/06/2024 - The design of Gas-Turbines and associated testing and ground support equipment is one of Frewer’s specialties. With decades of experience working with leading companies in this area, the...
inTEST Corporation launches innovative hover sense non-contact probe testing technology for electric vehicle battery testing
- inTEST Corporation, Mt. Laurel, N. J., a global supplier of innovative test and process technology solutions for use in manufacturing and testing in automotive/EV, defense/aerospace, industrial, life...
Entra en vigor la obligatoriedad de unir los tapones a las botellas de bebidas
04/07/2024 - Factores como el mal uso por parte del consumidor que abandona los tapones en el medio ambiente o su pérdida en las plantas de reciclado por su reducido tamaño, han llevado a la UE a desarrollar la...
AFYREN Identifies Industrial Raw Materials Using a Biomimetic Approach
- TAGS:  Sustainability / Natural Solutions ...
Marinas con sostenibilidad: envases 100% compostables
10/07/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">244
Stellantis invests additional $55 million in Archer following recent flight test milestone
- This latest investment builds on Stellantis’ series of open market purchases of 8.3 million shares of Archer’s stock in March of this year that was previously announced. During 2023,...
Aimplas ofrece sus instalaciones para que las empresas realicen ensayos para tapones
09/07/2024 - Uno de los residuos plásticos más abundantes en el medio ambiente son los tapones de envases de bebidas; por ese motivo, se desarrolló la Directiva Europea 2019/904, que...
FemTech Series: Making smear tests less uncomfortable
05/07/2024 - In this episode Olivia Friett, editor of Medical Plastics News, talks to Leeanne Baker, managing director at IMed Consultancy and Louise Ben-Nathan from LBN Innovations about smear tests...
Petronas launches ProTough+ to enhance composite material strength, readies for collaborative deployment
- ProTough+™ is an additive that enhances the strength of composite materials by improving their mechanical properties to achieve component lightweighting, which is key in manufacturing and...