


La digitalización, la sostenibilidad y los nuevos modelos laborales serán grandes protagonistas en el sector industrial
- La industria española vive un momento crucial, marcado por una transformación sin precedentes que está redefiniendo las oportunidades laborales. Según el informe...
Key Position Changes at Brückner Group
11/01/2025 - A Veteran DepartsHelmut Huber, Managing Director of Sales and Project and Product Management at...
PEEK specialist reports significant drop in profits in financial year 2023-24 / Sales slump in medtech segment
09/01/2025 - PEEK specialist reports significant drop in profits in financial year 2023-24 / Sales slump in medtech segment— By Plasteurope.com staff — High-performance-polymer...
Due nuove linee film in Hipac
09/01/2025 - Ampliata la capacità produttiva di film prestirato in bassi spessori nello stabilimento di Cazzago San Martino. 9 gennaio 2025...
Production of stretch film with recycled content
09/01/2025 - Production line with Gneuss RSFgenius filtration system in EuropeAs...
New catalyst to turn methane into polymers
- Although it is less abundant than carbon dioxide, methane gas contributes disproportionately to global warming because it traps more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, due to its molecular...
Crecen las películas de alta barrera para envasado de alimentos
08/01/2025 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">227
Irplast investe nei film monomateriale
07/01/2025 - Una nuova linea fornita da Brückner sarà installata nello stabilimento di Atessa, in Abruzzo, con capacità di 25mila tonnellate annue. ...
Meno gel nei film con riciclato
07/01/2025 - Sviluppo congiunto di Colines, ExxonMobil Signature Polymers e Gneuss per migliorare la qualità degli estensibili contenenti materiale rigenerato. ...
From challenges to opportunities: Manufacturing meets innovation at EMO 2025
23/12/2024 - Scheduled from May 6-9, 2025, at Fieramilano Rho, Lamiera reaffirms its role as a central exhibition for sheet metal forming, cutting, and processing technologies in Italy. With over 200 exhibitors...
New EU rules to improve Gender Balance in corporate boards enter into application
03/01/2025 - European Commission Press release Brussels, 03 Jan 2025 The Gender Balance on Corporate Boards Directive entered into application at the end of 2024, aiming for a more balanced gender representation...
Celanese Announces Leadership Transition
31/12/2024 - Celanese Corporation_ a global chemical and specialty materials company, announced that Scott Richardson, currently Celanese’s Chief Operating Officer, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer...
SPE vara gruppo per il Sud Europa
30/12/2024 - Il nuovo Gruppo di interesse regionale (RIG) della Society of Plastics Engineers terrà il suo primo evento il prossimo 23 gennaio. ...
Vetaphone appoints new CEO
28/12/2024 - Michael Behrens. ©Vetaphone Vetaphone has appointed Michael Behrens as Chief Executive...
Sustainable Film for Pet Food Packaging
24/12/2024 - Photo: ©BerryBerry Global Group, Inc. and VOID Technologies announce their successful...
Comienza el proyecto POLYMEER que transformará el bagazo de cerveza en bioplásticos de alto valor
- El proyecto, financiado por Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking del programa Horizonte Europa, contempla el uso de estos bioplásticos como films agrícolas, textiles para...
Horn USA expands production with its own coating systems
17/12/2024 - New Hasco Z12120/... thermal insulating sheets provide controlled heat management for highly stressed moulds, featuring improved thermal properties, stable mechanical performance, and significant...