


Sustainable Textiles – The Way Forward
03/02/2025 - Cellulose in plant cells, microscopic view of plant cell walls showing cellulose fibres, © Kraiwit – stock.adobe.comThe evolution of the demand for textile fibres from 1960 to the...
With its RENATURE® Wrap product, Storopack is launching new eco-friendly, plant-based protective packaging
21/01/2025 - © StoropackStoropack now has another innovation in its range of sustainable packaging: RENATURE® Wrap is made from starch and therefore represents a sustainable alternative to...
Panasonic HD develops marine biodegradable cellulose fiber molding material
20/01/2025 - Marine biodegradable cellulose fiber molding material © PanasonicPanasonic Holdings Corporation (Panasonic HD) has developed a molding material with full marine biodegradability by...
Electric fungi
20/01/2025 - Fungi are still underresearched in the field of materials science. © EmpaA battery that needs feeding instead of charging? This is exactly what Empa researchers have achieved with their...
20/01/2025 - Gerade im Bereich der Materialwissenschaft sind Pilze noch zu wenig erforscht und genutzt. © EmpaEine Batterie, die man nicht aufladen muss, sondern… füttern? Genau das ist...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated
- The use of leaves for cellulose pulp and packaging, seaweed as a feedstock for biosynthetic fibres, plant-based surface material for car interiors and much more – The award nominees are as diverse...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated  
14/01/2025 - It is getting exciting again in Cologne on 12 and 13 March for the cellulose fibres industry. Six new products have been nominated for the popular innovation award. The jury has...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Die sechs Nominierten stehen fest
14/01/2025 - Am 12. und 13. März wird die Cellulosefaserindustrie wieder mit besonderem Interesse nach Köln blicken. Sechs Produkte sind für den beliebten Innovationspreis nominiert...
Nordic Bioproducts Group Partners with Southern European Distributors to Boost Sustainable Microcrystalline Cellulose Supply for the Beauty and Personal Care Industries
09/01/2025 - © NBGNordic Bioproducts Group (NBG) has announced that it has partnered with C.Q. Massó to make Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC) more conveniently available for cosmetics...
Rubi Secures $1 Million Phase II Grant from the National Science Foundation to Scale its Breakthrough Carbon-to-Cellulose Platform
17/12/2024 - Leila and Neeka Mashouf, co-founders of Rubi Laboratories. © Rubi LaboratoriesRubi, the company re-inventing manufacturing to be symbiotic with the planet, has been awarded...
Partnership agreement with leading compounder and polymer distributor in the UK
11/12/2024 - © Lignin IndustriesSwedish greentech company Lignin Industries AB has signed a partnership agreement with the UK’s leading independent compounder and distributor of polymers,...
Partnership with UK compounder Hellyar / Plans to scale up bio-based feedstock
11/12/2024 - Partnership with UK compounder Hellyar / Plans to scale up bio-based feedstock— By correspondent — Swedish bioplastics startup Lignin Industries (Knivista;...
W-Cycle and Melhoramentos Join Forces to Produce Compostable Food Containers 
04/12/2024 - W-Cycle and Melhoramentos Join Forces to Produce Compostable Food Containers © MelhoramentosW-Cycle, Ltd., an innovator in sustainable food packaging, and Melhoramentos, a publicly traded...
Milliken & Company Announces Investment in Tidal Vision
03/12/2024 - Global diversified manufacturer Milliken & Company today announced its investment and partnership with Tidal Vision, a global biomolecular technologies company unlocking...
Lidl incorpora bandejas de pescado hechas con un 80% de plástico reciclado
- Como parte de su estrategia ambiental, la compañía se compromete a que, para 2025, el 100% de sus envases sean reciclables y que el 25% del plástico utilizado en todo su surtido de productos sea...
Metgen integration with NewEnergyBlue will create full Array of Biochemicals refined from agricultural Waste
26/11/2024 - © MetGenNewEnergyBlue, the clean-technology designer of biomass refineries that turn agricultural waste into highly decarbonized biofuels and biochemicals, and MetGen, the Finnish pioneer...