


Nueva línea de productos de compuestos de base biológica y biomasa equilibrada
09/09/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">101
Researchers to Develop Bioplastic Films Reinforced with Nanocellulose from Abaca Fibers
07/08/2024 - A new research initiative aims to produce eco-friendly bioplastic films reinforced with nanocellulose derived from the Backcross Abaca with Native and Desirable Accessions to Lift Up the Abaca...
 nova’s experts introduced: Kristijan Mrsic
04/09/2024 - Kristijan Mrsic © nova-InstitutKristijan Mrsic has been a part of the Communications Department at nova since February 2024, working across press relations, social media, and...
Ingenza announces partnership with Cellugy to investigate the potential of biofabricated cellulose
03/09/2024 - Industrial biotech specialist Ingenza is delighted to announce that it is collaborating with Cellugy to accelerate the...
AustroCel plans to produce hydrogel granulate in early 2025
02/09/2024 - The new hydrogel granulate is marketed under the brand name Retentis®. It is based on a patent-pending innovation from the start-up company Agrobiogel GmbH, with which Austrocel has...
AustroCel plant die Produktion von Hydrogel-Granulat Anfang 2025
02/09/2024 - Das neue Hydrogel-Granulat wird unter dem Markennamen Retentis® vertrieben. Es geht auf eine zum Patent angemeldete Innovation des Start-up-Unternehmens Agrobiogel GmbH zurück, mit welchem...
Raízen and Vertoro join forces to enhance lignin’s value in advanced biofuels and chemical sectors
23/08/2024 - © RaízenRaízen, an integrated energy company with a broad portfolio of renewables, and Vertoro, a Dutch biotechnology accelerator, today announced the signing of a Joint Development...
Valorization of lignin from aqueous-based lignocellulosic biorefineries
20/08/2024 - Highlights Aqueous biorefining may increase the volume of lignin generated by an additional 100 million tons/year. Lignin valorization is essential…Full text:
Lenzing forces reformation of the textile value chain
13/08/2024 - Celfill on their visit in Lenzing © Lenzing AG/Sarah KollerCELLFIL project brings together 15 strong partners from research and industryEU co-financed...
Next Stage of AGC Vinythai Collaboration with Michigan State University and allnex in Bio-based Epoxy Coating Development
08/08/2024 - © 1999-2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc or related companies.100% bio-based coatings are now one step closer as AGC Vinythai’s research project with Prof. Mojgan Nejad at Michigan State...
Biodegradable plastic exists – but it’s not cheap
31/07/2024 - From cellphone cases made of starch to diapers that compost in soil, products made from bioplastics are more accessible than ever. You can…Full text:
Bioplastics from cassava boosting local economy in Nagaland
31/07/2024 - Dr Arun Kumar Sarma, Director General of NECTAR, Tukti Longkumer of MCCI & MEC, Dr Akumtoshi Longkumer and others at the launch of Ecostarch Bio Plastic Manufacturing Unit in Changtongya New,...
New product line of biobased and biomass-balanced compounds
- The Cologne (Germany) - based company BIO-FED, a branch of AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH, has launched a new product line under the brand name M·BIOBASE®. The plastic compounds in this product line are made...
Bio-Fed amplia la gamma dei bio-attribuiti
31/07/2024 - Introdotta la nuova serie M·Biobase con contenuto rinnovabile attribuito mediante bilancio di massa certificato. 31 luglio 2024...
Wertstoffe aus Holz-Abfällen für Energiespeicher und Umwelttechnik
18/07/2024 - Gefällte Bäume in einem Forst bei Stadtroda. In der Holzindustrie fallen große Mengen Lignin an, den die Forschenden vom Abfallprodukt zum Wertstoff aufwerten wollen. © Jan-Peter Kasper...
What’s New in the World of Cellulose Fibre and Biosynthetics?
12/07/2024 - The well-established annual “Cellulose Fibres Conference”, organised by nova-Institute, is preparing for a new round in 2025 with a broader focus.The textile...
Was gibt‘s Neues in der Welt der Cellulosefaser und Biosynthetics? 
12/07/2024 - Die etablierte, jährlich stattfindende „Cellulose Fibres Conference“, organisiert vom nova-Institut, geht mit neuen Themen für 2025 in die nächste Runde mit einem erweiterten...
Oxidized Starch-Reinforced Aqueous Polymer Isocyanate
- A recent article in investigated the impact of high-frequency curing on aqueous polymer isocyanate...
Investigadores chilenos obtienen un film biodegradable a partir de cáscaras de huevo
25/06/2024 - A partir de alginato y cáscaras de huevo desechadas, una colaboración interdisciplinaria de la Universidad de Chile ha permitido desarrollar films biodegradables y vermicompostables, aptas para...