Listado de expositores de Plastics & Rubber 2025 a un mes de su celebración
12/02/2025 -
General Atomics completes SiC SiGA-cladded fuel rod testing
06/12/2024 -
Source | General Atomics Electromagnetic...
Commission publishes Country Cancer Profiles ahead of World Cancer Day
02/02/2025 -
European Commission Press release Brussels, 03 Feb 2025 Today, ahead of World Cancer Day, the Commission has published the latest Country Cancer Profiles for all Member States, Norway and Iceland.
Boston Matthews' new Servo Coiler brings greater accuracy levels
30/01/2025 -
Boston Matthews has recently introduced a new Servo Controlled Coiler for precise winding of tubes and flexible profiles. It can be controlled via a straightforward touchscreen, providing users with...
Nuevos materiales para la construcción sostenible presentados en BAU 2025
29/01/2025 -
Sustainable packaging: Council signs off on new rules for less waste and more re-use in the EU
27/01/2025 -
© Getty Images, curtoicurtoThe new rules will significantly reduce the generation of packaging waste by setting binding re-use targets, restricting certain types of single-use packaging...
Regolamento Imballaggi in GUCE
22/01/2025 -
Pubblicato il testo definitivo del nuovo regolamento su imballaggi e rifiuti da imballaggio. Entrerà in vigore automaticamente tra 20 giorni. ...
Pexco LLC celebrates expansion with Wisconsin Plastic Products acquisition
21/01/2025 -
The Plymouth, WI, based company specialises in complex profiles with tight tolerances that are constructed with materials including highly engineered plastics.
Over 3,000 exhibitors set to showcase at K 2025 in Düsseldorf
17/01/2025 -
UK-based PTG Holroyd Precision has launched what it believes to be the world’s most versatile, ultra-high-performance machine for precision grinding the helical profiles that are used across the...
Plasmatreat: New Openair-Plasma system for EPDM profiles
17/01/2025 -
Photos: ©PlasmatreatAutomotive door seals are typically made from EPDM/TPE. This non-polar...
La digitalización, la sostenibilidad y los nuevos modelos laborales serán grandes protagonistas en el sector industrial
La industria española vive un momento crucial, marcado por una transformación sin precedentes que está redefiniendo las oportunidades laborales. Según el informe...
Consiglio UE adotta il regolamento imballaggi
16/12/2024 -
Era l'ultimo passo burocratico prima della pubblicazione del provvedimento sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale dell'Unione europea. 16...
La falta de relevo generacional será uno de los retos clave del mercado laboral en 2025
10/12/2024 -
Stam entrega una línea para perfiles de energía solar
En STAM desarrollan y construyen líneas de producción a la medida, con una amplia experiencia en todos los sectores de la industria y cubren las necesidades de sus clientes cuando...
Egasca celebra su “Open House 2024” del 9 al 13 de diciembre
Egasca invita a los profesionales interesados a su “Open House 2024”, que tendrá lugar en sus instalaciones del 9 al 13 de diciembre en horario de 9:00 h a 13:00 h y...
New Method for Creating Highly Luminescent Nanoparticles
22/10/2024 -
Reviewed by Lexie CornerOct 22 2024The Chinese researchers, under the direction of Professor Yuqiang Jiang of the Chinese Academy of...
Tiny Gold Radiators Fry Bacteria on Implants
30/10/2024 -
Chalmers University of TechnologyOct 30 2024In the fight against antibiotic resistance, a new technology developed at Chalmers...
Povi 10000 for the automatic punching and coining on display
14/06/2023 -
From 7 to 23 June, at its headquarters in Fusignano (near Ravenna, Italy), Baruffaldi Plastic Technology is hosting the demonstration sessions of the Povi...
ExxonMobil announces licensing agreement to expand GFRP rebar processing tech
06/11/2024 -
GFRP Gatorbar. Source | Neuvokas Corp.ExxonMobil (Houston,...