Economía Circular


Economía Circular

A novembre torna il forum sul riciclo chimico
24/07/2024 - Confermato anche quest'anno a Bruxelles il convegno organizzato dall'associazione Chemical Recycling Europe. 24 luglio 2024...
Guida alla LCA nel packaging flessibile
18/07/2024 - Pubblicata dall'associazione Flexible Packaging Europe, aiuta aziende e consulenti nella compilazione dell'analisi del ciclo di vita. ...
The IntegrityNext Carbon Emissions Navigator – The Smart Path to Decarbonization
15/07/2024 - We’re delighted to announce the launch of the latest in a series of innovative product enhancements to the IntegrityNext platform – the new Carbon Emissions...
AOC facility renovations strengthens U.K. composites backing
17/06/2024 - Chris Allan, plant manager of AOC Haverhill. Source (All...
Sustainable material comparisons using LCA
08/07/2024 - Betsy Bowers, executive director at Global EPS Sustainability Alliance, explores how LCA can be used to compare the environmental impact of different materials throughout their life cycle, from...
Lenzing and Cobalt Fashion partner with Exponent Envirotech to revolutionize fashion with ECOHUES™ waterless dyeing technology for wood-based cellulosic fibers
01/07/2024 - © Envirotech[4] Compared to generic (unbranded) lyocell, modal and viscose. The results were...
Antolin, protagonista de la movilidad sostenible
04/06/2024 - Antolin quiere contribuir a un mundo más sostenible mediante la reducción de su huella ambiental y la minimización del impacto de sus productos. Con motivo del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, la...
First certification for building waterproofing made from liquid plastics (DE-UZ 233)
24/05/2024 - The liquid plastic “1k-SIL blu” from Wolfen-based company ELAPRO was the first product to be awarded the Blue Angel. ...
AOC: Haverhill site upgrades and environmental certifications
- AOC has a long track record of supporting the UK market, serving customers for diverse composites applications and end uses. Quality products have been supplied from multiple sites around the...
Skydweller Aero conducts solar-powered carbon fiber aircraft flight
05/06/2024 - Source | Skydweller AeroIn April, 
ACMA sustainability event educates on composites LCA, recycling
10/06/2024 - Source | CWThe American Composites Manufacturers...
Navigating Consumer Choices: Factors Shaping Consumer Attitudes Towards Sustainable Products 
10/06/2024 - © 3CO-project.euEco-consciousness and environmental concerns are increasingly driving consumer behaviour, motivating individuals to make more sustainable and green purchasing...
TPE with EPDM adhesion properties for automotive applications
15/05/2024 - Kraiburg TPE is launching new EPDM adhesion compounds designed for the automotive sealing and exterior sector, addressing global requirements and needs with...
Digital integration in the metal working industry
30/05/2024 - Lesters has launched a new automotive division focused on enhancing supply chain sustainability. The team aims to reduce clients’ carbon footprints by optimizing supply chains and using sustainable...
COIM certifica il sito di Offanengo ISCC Plus
04/06/2024 - Garantita la tracciabilità delle materie prime biobased e riciclate allocate ai prodotti mediante mass balance. 4 giugno 2024...