Economía Circular


Economía Circular

ISO 14020:2022 - Environmental statements and programmes for products — Principles and general requirements
- This document establishes principles and specifies general requirements that are applicable to all types of product-related environmental statements and environmental statement programmes....
ISO/TS 14074:2022 - Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles, requirements and guidelines for normalization, weighting and interpretation
- This document specifies principles, requirements and guidelines for normalization, weighting and life cycle interpretation, in addition to those given in ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.The...
ISO 22526-3:2020 - Plastics — Carbon and environmental footprint of biobased plastics — Part 3: Process carbon footprint, requirements and guidelines for quantification
01/08/2020 - This document specifies requirements and guidelines for the quantification and reporting of the process carbon footprint of biobased plastics (see ISO 22526-1), being a partial carbon footprint...
ISO 14006:2020 - Environmental management systems — Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign
01/01/2020 - This document gives guidelines for assisting organizations in establishing, documenting, implementing, maintaining and continually improving their management of ecodesign as part of an...
ISO/CD 14006 - Environmental management systems -- Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign
- Environmental management systems -- Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign