


ISO/ASTM 52935:2023 - Additive manufacturing of metals — Qualification principles — Qualification of coordination personnel
- This document specifies qualification requirements for coordination personnel in industrial manufacturing sites responsible for additive manufacturing of metal parts.This document is...
ISO 9584:2023 - Implants for surgery — Non-destructive testing — Radiographic examination of cast metallic surgical implants
- This document establishes a method for detecting and evaluating internal imperfections of cast metallic surgical implants and related weldments.The procedures established in this...
ISO/ASTM 52924:2023 - Additive manufacturing of polymers — Qualification principles — Classification of part properties
- This document establishes the required or the achievable classes of part properties for additive manufactured polymer parts in order to get a common understanding on part quality. It is aimed...
ISO 10282:2023 - Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves — Specification
- This document specifies requirements for packaged sterile rubber gloves intended for use in surgical procedures to protect the patient and the user from cross-contamination. This...
ISO 23416:2023 - General specifications and testing methods for temperature-sensitive medicinal packages in good distribution practice principles
- This document describes the general specifications of temperature-sensitive medicinal packaging based on the principles of good distribution practice (GDP). It also specifies test methods to...
ISO 24329:2022 - Low-protein natural rubber latex concentrate — Specification
- This document provides specifications for natural rubber latex concentrate which has low protein content [low protein natural rubber (LPNR) latex], as follows:—    LPNR latex: field...
ISO/ASTM TR 52916:2022 - Additive manufacturing for medical — Data — Optimized medical image data
- This document includes the creation of optimized data for medical additive manufacturing (MAM). These data are generated from static modalities, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),...