Preliminary Research to Assess the Possibility of Grinding Selected Plastics Using Crushers
05/11/2024 -
This study aims to investigate the effect of the shredding machine used on the recyclability of plastic fractions after primary crushing. This work presents a method for producing aggregates that has...
Closed Circuit of 3-Dimensional Polymer Powders
17/10/2024 -
This article describes the most important stages of testing the levels of innovative readiness of a new machine and material construction solutions for closed loops of polymer powders in 3D additive...
Life Cycle Assessment of Resource-Oriented Sanitation Based on Vacuum Toilet and Vacuum Kitchen Waste Shredder: A Case Study in Rural Southeastern China
12/10/2024 -
The resource value of feces and kitchen waste has not been fully emphasized and utilized in rural sanitation management in China. In this paper, we propose a new ecological sanitation model with the...
Pyrolysis of Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR): Thermogravimetry, In-Situ Synchrotron IR and Gas-Phase IR of Polymeric Components
04/09/2023 -
This article reports the characterisation of pyrolysis of automotive shredder residue using in situ synchrotron IR, gas-phase IR, and thermal analyses to explore if the automotive shredder residue...
Material Recycling for Manufacturing Aggregates Using Melting Slag of Automobile Shredder Residues
27/03/2023 -
The quantity of waste from end-of-life vehicles is increasing with an increase in the number of scrapped internal combustion engine vehicles owing to international trends such as carbon neutrality...
Determination of Performance of No-Till Seeder and Stubble Cutting Prototype
25/01/2023 -
One of the most common problems in maize production is the management of plant residues. Small agricultural enterprises, which cannot allocate capital for acquiring stalk cutting machines for their...
Stabilisation of pores in glass foam by using a modified curing-sintering process: sustainable recycling of automotive vehicles’ waste glass
01/04/2022 -
Glass foams are porous high-performance insulation materials. The uniformly distributed and homogenously sized fine pores are crucial for the insulation properties of glass foam. To improve the...
Combustion of a Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Produced from the Polymeric Fraction of Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR)
03/11/2021 -
The use of alternative fuels derived from residues in energy-intensive industries that rely on fossil fuels can cause considerable energy cost savings, but also significant environmental benefits by...
Selective Thermal Transformation of Automotive Shredder Residues into High-Value Nano Silicon Carbide
20/10/2021 -
Automotive waste represents both a global waste challenge and the loss of valuable embedded resources. This study provides a sustainable solution to utilise the mixed plastics of automotive waste...
Innovative Olive Tree Leaves Shredder Prototype for the Valorization of Wasted Leaves: An Application to High-Quality Compost Production
22/08/2021 -
Extra virgin olive oil is considered worldwide as one of the most important products, a standard bearer of the Mediterranean diet. Despite this, the production chain of extra virgin olive oil...
Copper and zinc extraction from automobile shredder residues via an integrated electrodeposition and crystallization process
01/09/2021 -
Automobile shredder residues (ASR) are produced during recycling processes from used cars and contain valuable metals such as copper and zinc. They constitute the fastest-growing industrial waste...
Chemical Recycling of WEEE Plastics—Production of High Purity Monocyclic Aromatic Chemicals
16/03/2021 -
More than 200 kg real waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) shredder residues from a German dismantling plant were treated at 650 °C in a demonstration scale thermochemical conversion...
Py–FTIR–GC/MS Analysis of Volatile Products of Automobile Shredder Residue Pyrolysis
18/11/2020 -
Automobile shredder residue (ASR) pyrolysis produces solid, liquid, and gaseous products, particularly pyrolysis oil and gas, which could be used as renewable alternative energy resources. Due to the...
Biochemical and functional responses of stream invertebrate shredders to post-wildfire contamination
01/12/2020 -
Forests in Mediterranean Europe including Portugal are highly susceptible to wildfires. Freshwaters are often exposed to post-wildfire contamination that contains several toxic substances, which may...
Influence of Interactions among Polymeric Components of Automobile Shredder Residue on the Pyrolysis Temperature and Characterization of Pyrolytic Products
28/07/2020 -
Pyrolysis and gasification have gradually become the main means to dispose of automobile shredder residue (ASR), since these methods can reduce the volume and quality of landfill with lower cost and...
Evaluation of automotive shredder residues (ASR) landfill behavior through lysimetric and traditional leaching tests
04/02/2020 -
With regards to European waste catalog, automotive shredder residues (ASR) can be classified both as a hazardous or non-hazardous waste according to its hazardous properties (H1–H14). It is...
Preparation of composites based on recycled polypropylene and automotive shredder residue
11/05/2018 -
In past research, mechanical recycling of automotive shredder residue (ASR) has led to serious deterioration of material performance, and real?scale application in this way still remains a challenge....