


Fijación de grúas suspendidas a suelos de hormigón armado
18/07/2024 - Para las empresas que requieran un elemento de unión adecuado para fijar su instalación de grúa en la nave, ABUS Grúas dispone de una gran variedad de sistemas de...
Well-known university to gift new students 'golden keys' made with space-grade craftsmanship
- The Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) has announced its 2024 admission notifications. This year, each new student will be given a “golden key” made using space-grade materials. The...
Compuestos de PVC con propiedades disipativas y semiconductoras
12/07/2024 - Delta Tecnic Tel.: 93 867 42 84 En aplicaciones críticas donde la...
Delta Tecnic: aditivos disipativos y semiconductores para PVC
10/07/2024 - Determinadas aplicaciones, como suelos de quirófanos o de salas de fabricación de chips, presentan riesgos para la seguridad y el funcionamiento de equipos sensibles por la electricidad...
Several Chinese companies helped launch China’s first carbon fibre subway train
- CRRC Sifang has teamed up with Qingdao Metro Group, Harbin FRP Institute, Weihai Guangwei Composite, AVIC Composite and other units to jointly tackle key technologies such as integrated design of...
Chen Hsong y Haier firman un acuerdo de colaboración
02/07/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">122
Ya está abierto el registro de visitantes para EuroBLECH
- EuroBLECH, Feria Internacional de Tecnología de Chapa Metálica, regresará a Hannover (Alemania) del 22 al 25 de octubre. Los asistentes podrán disfrutar de toda la...
Recycling Plastics – Protecting Ecosystems 
27/06/2024 - © HansgroheThe Hansgrohe Group is using an individually developed recycling process for galvanized plastics at its production site in Offenburg/Elgersweier. The facility, which was...
Researchers make ‘green’ floor to replace steel 
25/06/2024 - A living space module is hoisted in Brooklyn, New York, for installation into the world’s tallest modular building. Natural-material floor cassettes could one day replace traditional...
Profile line inspection of the outer walls of bottles and containers
25/06/2024 - At INTRAVIS, the specialists are aware that comprehensive quality assurance is a decisive factor in the production of plastic packaging. Their SpotWatcher covers a wide range of inspection...
El “mate” está de moda en Comindex
- ¿Quieres matear tus pinturas, barnices o tintas sin perder resistencia química'¿Quieres tener una excelente resistencia al rayado o a la abrasión en tus...
First certification for building waterproofing made from liquid plastics (DE-UZ 233)
24/05/2024 - The liquid plastic “1k-SIL blu” from Wolfen-based company ELAPRO was the first product to be awarded the Blue Angel. ...
‘Green’ floor to replace steel
- Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Maine have designed and 3D-printed a single-piece, recyclable natural-material floor panel tested to be...
Tupperware closes doors of only remaining US factory
18/06/2024 - 77 years after it was first established, iconic brand Tupperware is closing the doors of its last remaining US factoring as it transfers production to its existing facility in Lerma, Mexico.
Se reinaugura el renovado Centro Tecnológico de Arburg (ATC) en Radevormwald
18/06/2024 - El renovado Centro Tecnológico de Arburg (ATC) en Radevormwald (Alemania) vuelve a funcionar con normalidad. Durante la fase de modernización de dos años de duración,...
First PET bottle made from enzymatic recycling
- CARBIOS, (Clermont-Ferrand, France), a pioneer in the development and industrialization of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, and L’OCCITANE en Provence...