


Los ganadores de los Plastics Recycling Awards Europe se darán a conocer el 2 de abril
21/01/2025 - Los organizadores de los Plastics Recycling Awards Europe 2025 han anunciado la lista de finalistas. Los ganadores de los siete premios se darán a conocer el 2 de abril en...
Avient Expands Production of Recycled Nylon to Istanbul
20/01/2025 - Photo: ©AvientAvient Corporation announced that production...
Kistler presenta un transductor de fuerza de ruedas para vehículos de deportes de motor
- Con el nuevo transductor de fuerza de ruedas (WFT) RoaDyn Racing para aplicaciones de pruebas en deportes de motor, Kistler ofrece ahora una rueda de medición totalmente autónoma en...
German automotive supplier accelerates restructuring / Job cuts, production cutbacks become more likely
20/01/2025 - German automotive supplier accelerates restructuring / Job cuts, production cutbacks become more likely— By staff — The 
Machines and digital solutions for sustainable parts production
13/01/2025 - The automotive industry is at a crossroads, grappling with the shift to electromobility, rising costs, and intense competition. For suppliers, adapting to this transformation requires more than...
Dalla Francia rPP per l'auto
16/01/2025 - Skytech sta introducendo sul mercato nuovi gradi di polipropilene con contenuto di riciclato fino al 100% per applicazioni di upcycling. ...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated
- The use of leaves for cellulose pulp and packaging, seaweed as a feedstock for biosynthetic fibres, plant-based surface material for car interiors and much more – The award nominees are as diverse...
Konica Minolta meets colour measurement demands with new spectrophotometer
15/01/2025 - The new CM-3700A Plus is ideal for applications within the automotive, electronics, plastics, paints, cosmetics, and textile industries.
PIL tedesco in rosso anche nel 2024
15/01/2025 - Perso un'ulteriore 0,2% dopo il cambio di segno dell'anno precedente. In crisi sia il comparto manifatturiero che le costruzioni. ...
Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2025: Six Innovations are Nominated  
14/01/2025 - It is getting exciting again in Cologne on 12 and 13 March for the cellulose fibres industry. Six new products have been nominated for the popular innovation award. The jury has...
Avient espande i riciclati in Turchia
14/01/2025 - Incrementata la produzione di compound Nymax REC a base PA6 con contenuto di riciclato fino al 100%. 14 gennaio 2025 10:34 ...
Turning automotive engines into modular chemical plants to make green fuels
13/01/2025 - Reducing methane emissions is a top priority in the fight against climate change because of its propensity to trap heat in the atmosphere: Methane’s warming effects are 84 times more...
The challenges and opportunities for automotive suppliers in 2025
13/01/2025 - “More precise and more productive” is once again the motto of DMG Mori's Open House this year. From 10 to 21 February 2025, visitors will not only be able to experience five world premieres up...
Windmöller&Hölscher expands in North America
13/01/2025 - Warehouse Expansion - 12,000 SF additionalW&H is...
La factoría de Landaben de Volkswagen finalizó 2024 con una producción de 274.688 coches, 1.415 más que en 2023
- Volkswagen Navarra finalizó el año 2024 como la cuarta fábrica mundial por volumen de producción de las diecisiete de la marca Volkswagen, tan sólo por...
Bosch presentó productos basados en IA y software que hacen la vida más segura, eficiente y cómoda
- El software y la inteligencia artificial (IA) ya están dando forma a nuestro presente. En el futuro, sin embargo, serán cruciales. Bosch reconoció rápidamente las...
JEC World 2025 is celebrating composite materials
04/01/2025 - The injection moulding market is on a steady growth path, fueled by rising demand for lightweight materials, sustainable practices, and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. With applications...
Un aparcamiento subterráneo automatizado para bicis emplea cadenas portacables de igus
- Para que la transición de la movilidad funcione y el uso de bicicletas poco a poco gane terreno frente al de los coches, las ciudades necesitan aumentar la cantidad de parkings para...
Mercato dell'auto in stallo nel 2024
03/01/2025 - Le immatricolazioni in Italia sono state l'anno scorso poco più di 1,55 milioni, lo 0,5% in meno rispetto al 2023. Ma mancherebbero all'appello 300 mila unità. ...
Stellantis cede il controllo di Comau
31/12/2024 - La maggioranza del costruttore torinese di automazione industriale passa alla finanziaria One Equity Partners. A Stellantis la quota di minoranza. ...