Economía Circular


Economía Circular

Is production really pollution?
08/01/2025 - Tom Cash, Director of automation parts supplier Foxmere, dives into the different technologies that can help prevent plastic pollution, from blockchain traceability to AI sorting.
AIMPLAS logra la neutralidad climática en 2023 tras compensar el 100% de su huella de carbono y obtiene el sello CALCULO-REDUZCO-COMPENSO
- AIMPLAS ha inscrito su huella de carbono de 2023 en el registro de huella de carbono, compensación y proyectos de absorción de CO2 del Ministerio, obteniendo por primera vez el sello...
Sustainable Film for Pet Food Packaging
24/12/2024 - Photo: ©BerryBerry Global Group, Inc. and VOID Technologies announce their successful...
INTEGRA Biosciences partners with CleanHub to prevent plastic pollution
13/12/2024 - INTEGRA has partnered with CleanHub to support the latter in funding its plastic collection projects. This has helped CleanHub collect almost 11,800 kg of plastic waste from communities and waterways...
Launch of Demonstration Test for CO2 Capture from Chemical Recovery Boilers at Paper Mills in Japan
12/12/2024 - The demonstration test is for commercial application of the CO2 capture technology at Hokuetsu Corporation’s paper millsIt is aimed at chemical...
Japan Develops Plastic that Disappears Within Hours In The Sea and Boosts Soil Health
11/12/2024 - Riken and others develop plastic material that dissolves in seawaterA team including government-backed research institute Riken has developed a plastic material that is as strong and easy...
A good start
09/12/2024 - GreenDot welcomes the official confirmation of the new EU Commission and sees it as a crucial opportunity to advance the circular economy in Europe. The new EU Commission has clearly...
ACCIONA y el ayuntamiento de Madrid crean un nuevo bosque urbano en Moratalaz
- ACCIONA y el Ayuntamiento de Madrid plantaron ayer domingo4.200 ejemplares de árboles y arbustos en el madrileño Parque Fuente Carrantona (Moratalaz).En total se restauraron más de 1.000...
Breakthrough in capturing ‘hot’ CO2 from industrial exhaust
03/12/2024 - Water vapor emerging from cooling towers at an industrial plant. Water is used to cool exhaust gases to a temperature at which carbon capture is possible with aqueous amines. A new UC Berkeley...
EREMA Group expands offering on a global scale
03/12/2024 - UMAC is launching ReadyMac product line with a new 60 hertz version at Last Eurasia in Istanbul. It's suitable for various materials and degrees of contamination, processing film, flakes and regrind...
La bolsa de HDPE es la mejor
- Los estudios de ACV pueden definir los criterios para elegir las alternativas de materias primas más sostenibles, destaca Abiplast –...
Plastiques : cauchemar éveillé sur France Inter…
28/11/2024 - > Il est très cruel pour un « accro » de France Inter d'en venir à dézinguer un monument de la radio publique préférée des Français. Malheureusement Le...