Economía Circular


Economía Circular

AIMPLAS logra la neutralidad climática en 2023 tras compensar el 100% de su huella de carbono y obtiene el sello CALCULO-REDUZCO-COMPENSO
- AIMPLAS ha inscrito su huella de carbono de 2023 en el registro de huella de carbono, compensación y proyectos de absorción de CO2 del Ministerio, obteniendo por primera vez el sello...
Sustainable Film for Pet Food Packaging
24/12/2024 - Photo: ©BerryBerry Global Group, Inc. and VOID Technologies announce their successful...
Launch of Demonstration Test for CO2 Capture from Chemical Recovery Boilers at Paper Mills in Japan
12/12/2024 - The demonstration test is for commercial application of the CO2 capture technology at Hokuetsu Corporation’s paper millsIt is aimed at chemical...
A good start
09/12/2024 - GreenDot welcomes the official confirmation of the new EU Commission and sees it as a crucial opportunity to advance the circular economy in Europe. The new EU Commission has clearly...
ACCIONA y el ayuntamiento de Madrid crean un nuevo bosque urbano en Moratalaz
- ACCIONA y el Ayuntamiento de Madrid plantaron ayer domingo4.200 ejemplares de árboles y arbustos en el madrileño Parque Fuente Carrantona (Moratalaz).En total se restauraron más de 1.000...
Breakthrough in capturing ‘hot’ CO2 from industrial exhaust
03/12/2024 - Water vapor emerging from cooling towers at an industrial plant. Water is used to cool exhaust gases to a temperature at which carbon capture is possible with aqueous amines. A new UC Berkeley...
La bolsa de HDPE es la mejor
- Los estudios de ACV pueden definir los criterios para elegir las alternativas de materias primas más sostenibles, destaca Abiplast –...
Cooperation between ARBURG and carbonauten 
27/11/2024 - Cooperation agreement between Arburg and carbonauten: Manuel Witte (left), CEO Technical Applications & Departments at Arburg, and Gerhard Böhm (middle), still August CEO at Arburg, as well as...
Cement Co-processing of End-of-Life Composites Avoids up to 1 Ton of CO2 Emissions Per Ton Processed
09/10/2024 - Our nine industry associations1 have commissioned SGS INTRON to prepare a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) report exploring the environmental impacts of treating End-of-Life (EoL) composites by...
BUILD-LIMONENE desarrolla materiales de construcción a partir de emisiones de CO2 y residu...
- El proyecto BUILD-LIMONENE ha desarrollado nuevos materiales de construcción sostenibles, biodegradables, más seguros y con mejor eficiencia energética como una alternativa real a los...
Uso de materiales basados en CO2 en la construcción
- El aumento del dióxido de carbono, CO2, en la atmósfera por las emisiones antropológicas está favoreciendo al progresivo desarrollo de problemas a nivel mundial como el cambio...
POM Grades with short cellulose fibre
- Polyplastics (Tokyo, Japan), a global leader in engineering plastics, has announced the development of new DURACON® POM grades that are reinforced with short cellulose fiber for lower environmental...
Teijin Frontier Announces Global Availability of Biodegradable BIOFRONT® PLA Resin
18/11/2024 - BIOFRONT® resin pellets © Teijin Frontier Co., LTD.Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd., today announced the global availability of its BIOFRONT® polylactic acid (PLA) resin, which biodegrades...
Daily News 08 / 11 / 2024
08/11/2024 - European Commission Daily news Brussels, 08 Nov 2024 EU to support continued global climate action and push for ambitious finance and investment goals at COP29 At the COP29 UN Climate Change...
EU to support continued global climate action and push for ambitious finance and investment goals at COP29
07/11/2024 - European Commission Press release Brussels, 08 Nov 2024 At the COP29 UN Climate Change Conference on 11-22 November in Azerbaijan, the European Union will work with international partners to deliver...