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Abiotic degradation behavior of polyacrylonitrile-based material filled with a composite of TiO2 and g-C3N4 under solar illumination
- As some of the most promising alternatives to traditional non-degradable materials, photodegradable materials have advantages of environmental benignity and rapid degradation under simple conditions....
Photo?Degradable Protein?Polymer Hybrid Shells for Caging Living Cells
24/02/2022 - A new strategy towards the remote control of cell functions is reported. Photo?degradable protein?polymer hybrid shells for protecting the whole cell surface were developed by the layer?by?layer...
Photodegradation actuated shape?changing hydrogels
01/03/2022 - Hydrogels are attractive materials for generating 4D shapes due to their ability to undergo pronounced volume changes in response to several stimuli, including light. We previously reported...