


New project designs biobased plastics value chain
10/02/2025 - Featured Image by CETECA new project, Marcello Bardellini, Project Management Officer at ICONS or E-Mail at 
Faca Packaging presenta soluciones sostenibles en Paris Packaging Week
10/02/2025 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">197
3D printing market: a look at the economic challenges
07/02/2025 - Industry leaders in manufacturing will gather in Limassol, Cyprus, for the Ency World Conference 2025. The event will spotlight advancements in CAD/CAM technology, technical masterclasses, networking...
Harper successfully commissions two carbon fiber lines in China
25/11/2024 - Source | Harper InternationalHarper International (Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.) has successfully...
Wisconsin Oven ships curing oven for filament-wound composites
22/11/2024 -  The delivered curing oven. Source | Wisconsin Oven Corp.Wisconsin Oven Corp. (East Troy,...
PAL-V, NLR complete composite rotors for Liberty flying car
02/12/2024 - Source | PAL-VIn November 2024 
SAMPE Europe extends deadline for Young Engineer’s Challenge
04/12/2024 - Source | SAMPE EuropeSAMPE Europe is calling all young engineers in advanced materials, processing and manufacturing...
Tri-Mack celebrates 50 years of technical problem-solving
11/12/2024 - Tri-Mack highlights its 500-ton thermoplastic composite...
Airborne completes final delivery of CFRP mirror structures for Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
09/12/2024 - Rendering of the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope...
Large-format AM speeds plug production for manufacture of composite boat molds
13/12/2024 - A 3D printed block is being CNC milled for a boat plug used to manufacture a composite mold for a boat hull. Source | Foarboc Ltd.
MerConcept, Extracthive integrate rCF components into racing yacht construction
12/12/2024 - RCF ballast vent designed by Extracthive....
SPE ACCE 2025 issues call for papers, sponsors and exhibitors
20/12/2024 - SPE ACCE 2024. Source | SPE ACCEThe 
VIDEO: Precision fabrication of honeycomb materials
19/12/2024 - CompositesWorld editors visited the MachineTek LLC (Carlsbad, Calif., U.S.) booth at CAMX...
Breton companies launch recyclable hydrofoil design project
26/12/2024 - A recyclable hydrofoil is tested on the laboratory boat...
AZL Aachen completes hydrogen tank R&D project
01/01/2025 - AZL CAD design and CAE analysis examples for Type 4 hydrogen...
Archer completes construction of high-volume manufacturing facility for Midnight eVTOL aircraft
02/01/2025 - Archer’s high-volume manufacturing facility, ARC....
Noble Gas receives Approval in Principle for gas storage system
08/01/2025 - Noble Gas Systems’ conformable compressed...