Orbis Opens New Manufacturing Plant in Texas
07/02/2025 -
Photo: OrbisORBIS® Corporation, a global manufacturer of reusable packaging solutions, is...
Honeywell si fa in tre
11/02/2025 -
Dopo lo spin-off di Advanced Materials, annunciata anche la separazione delle attività Automation e Aerospace. 11 febbraio 2025...
World-first full-scale onboard carbon capture
10/02/2025 -
Edvin Endresen, CEO of Solvang ASA“Onboard carbon capture combined with existing cleaning technology is a significant shortcut to decarbonization of the world’s deep-sea fleet. This...
Signature of a term sheet to combine two technologies and bring SAF production to the next level
10/02/2025 -
Global Bioenergies has signed a term sheet with a large international industrialist (undisclosed) to co-develop a process leading to Sustainable Aviation Fuels (“SAF”) at a reduced...
Aimplas potenció numerosas actividades de I+D para el sector de los plásticos en 2024
11/02/2025 -
Gracias a las ayudas del Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad e Innovación (Ivace+i) con fondos de la Generalitat Valenciana, Aimplas, Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico,...
Donald Trump impulsa el regreso de las pajitas de plástico
10/02/2025 -
Butterfly Packaging rachète Adrène
INDUSTRY LIVE tiene ya reservados más del 80% de los stand para poder participar en la feria
INDUSTRY LIVE MACHINERY & TOOLS, la única Feria en la Zona Centro dedicada exclusivamente a la Máquina-herramienta y...
100% recyclable skinpack container from recycled PET
10/02/2025 -
Aimplas is collaborating with Covinil and Eroski to overcome the challenges of recycling multilayer packaging while promoting sustainability and the efficient use of recycled materials in the food...
Dawn Aerospace breaks sound barrier, hypersonic global records
25/11/2024 -
Source | Dawn AerospaceOn Nov. 12,
Wisconsin Oven ships curing oven for filament-wound composites
22/11/2024 -
The delivered curing oven. Source | Wisconsin Oven Corp.Wisconsin Oven Corp. (East Troy,...
FACC Academy begins training, onboarding operations
22/11/2024 -
During ongoing operations, more than 250 training courses will take...
PAL-V, NLR complete composite rotors for Liberty flying car
02/12/2024 -
Source | PAL-VIn November 2024
Clean Aviation launches third proposal call for disruptive aviation projects
02/12/2024 -
Source | Getty Images
GIM GrapheneFibre commences commercial graphene-enriched carbon fiber production
04/12/2024 -
GIM’s Industry 4.0 Gigafactory. Source | GIM...
Caracol, AES forge LFAM-centered partnership
06/12/2024 -
Aerospace megatool by Caracol. Source (All Images) |...
NIAR, SNC partnership to modernize USAF 747-8i aircraft
05/12/2024 -
Source | WSU-NIARWichita State University’s (WSU, Kan., U.S.) National...
Tri-Mack celebrates 50 years of technical problem-solving
11/12/2024 -
Tri-Mack highlights its 500-ton thermoplastic composite...
HAV announces production site developments for Airlander 10
11/12/2024 -
A rendering of the future production site. Source |...
Large-format AM speeds plug production for manufacture of composite boat molds
13/12/2024 -
A 3D printed block is being CNC milled for a boat plug used to manufacture a composite mold for a boat hull. Source | Foarboc Ltd.
MerConcept, Extracthive integrate rCF components into racing yacht construction
12/12/2024 -
RCF ballast vent designed by Extracthive....