INDUSTRY LIVE tiene ya reservados más del 80% de los stand para poder participar en la feria
INDUSTRY LIVE MACHINERY & TOOLS, la única Feria en la Zona Centro dedicada exclusivamente a la Máquina-herramienta y...
Dawn Aerospace breaks sound barrier, hypersonic global records
25/11/2024 -
Source | Dawn AerospaceOn Nov. 12,
FACC Academy begins training, onboarding operations
22/11/2024 -
During ongoing operations, more than 250 training courses will take...
Clean Aviation launches third proposal call for disruptive aviation projects
02/12/2024 -
Source | Getty Images
NIAR, SNC partnership to modernize USAF 747-8i aircraft
05/12/2024 -
Source | WSU-NIARWichita State University’s (WSU, Kan., U.S.) National...
HAV announces production site developments for Airlander 10
11/12/2024 -
A rendering of the future production site. Source |...
Sonaca, Aciturri Aerostructures to become single European aviation entity
13/12/2024 -
Source | AciturriOn Dec. 13,
Anduril joins Archer for hybrid VTOL military aircraft development
17/12/2024 -
Source | Archer Aviation Inc.On Dec. 12,
Daher inaugurates Learning Center for training aeronautical talent
20/12/2024 -
Daher Learning Center. Source | DaherDaher (Nantes, France) has inaugurated the Daher Learning Center in Colomiers, near...
VIDEO: Precision fabrication of honeycomb materials
19/12/2024 -
CompositesWorld editors visited the MachineTek LLC (Carlsbad, Calif., U.S.) booth at CAMX...
Skydweller Aero continues AMPA flight tests with operational military payloads
18/12/2024 -
Source | Skydweller Aero
Breton companies launch recyclable hydrofoil design project
26/12/2024 -
A recyclable hydrofoil is tested on the laboratory boat...
Archer completes construction of high-volume manufacturing facility for Midnight eVTOL aircraft
02/01/2025 -
Archer’s high-volume manufacturing facility, ARC....
Joby conducts FAA testing, moves into final certification
08/01/2025 -
Source | Joby AviationIn late December,
Noble Gas receives Approval in Principle for gas storage system
08/01/2025 -
Noble Gas Systems’ conformable compressed...
Leonardo unveils Proteus uncrewed rotorcraft demonstrator design
08/01/2025 -
Proteus unveiled. Source | Leonardo
Kellenberger breaks away from Hardinge
04/02/2025 -
Bowman International has upgraded its inspection process with a new coordinate measuring machine (CMM) from LK Metrology. The advanced system improves measurement speed and accuracy, supporting...
Topsoe chosen as technology provider for Sustainable Aviation Fuels project in Guangxi, China
30/01/2025 -
© TopsoeTopsoe has been selected by Guangxi Free Trade Zone Chuangui Lingang New Energy Co., Ltd (Chuangui New Energy company) to deliver technology and services to produce...
Adler Pelzer Group interessato a Dema
22/01/2025 -
Il gruppo campano presenterà al Mimit un piano di risanamento e sviluppo per la società aerospaziale in crisi ormai da qualche anno. ...
Biomass Demand for Transport Fuels, Aviation and Shipping up to 2050 and Implications for Biomass Supply to the Chemical Sector
21/01/2025 -
Following the Green Deal, the EU is leading the way in transforming its transport sector towards climate neutrality. The current transport regulations provide a unique long-term horizon...
Bayer and Neste to Collaborate on Developing Feedstocks for Renewable Fuels
17/01/2025 -
Bayer and Neste plan to jointly scale winter canola as a biomass-based feedstock for renewable products like biofuels. © Bayer AGBayer and Neste, a leading producer of sustainable...