Fabricación aditiva


Fabricación aditiva

Live demonstrations of advanced injection moulding and 3D printing at Mecspe
11/01/2025 - The PET bottle market is growing steadily, driven by increasing demand for sustainable and reusable packaging. PET Technologies’ blow molding machines enable the use of 100 percent recycled PET...
Converting vegetable oils into bio-based resins for 3D printing
08/01/2025 - Julius Adeyera, a manufacturing engineer and researcher at Georgia Southern University, is converting vegetable oils into bio-based resins for 3D printing,…Full text:
El proyecto KRIOPLAS con la participación de Aimplas emplea la molienda criogénica para aplicaciones de alto valor añadido en química sostenible, fabricación aditiva y rotomoldeo entre otros
26/12/2024 - Trabajar con polímeros en polvo aporta grandes ventajas en diferentes procesos productivos y puede aplicarse en sectores de alto valor añadido como el de la química...
Global bioplastics market set to more than double by 2029
10/12/2024 - A new partnership between Caracol and AES promises to transform Aerospace & Defense manufacturing, blending advanced robotic 3D printing with deep industry expertise to tackle complex...
Voxeljet expands HSS network with FKM sintering technology
09/12/2024 - As industries face evolving demands in production and supply chains, Parts2clean 2025 will address the latest challenges in industrial parts and surface cleaning. Scheduled from October 7–9, 2025,...
Redefining excellence in micromoulding
13/12/2024 - The modern era of advanced manufacturing is defined by a relentless drive toward miniaturisation. Across industries such as medical, electronics, automotive, and telecommunications, the...
Capability, Scalability, and Sustainability
12/12/2024 - Brett Saddoris, Technical Marketing Manager, Accumold The modern era of advanced manufacturing is defined by a relentless drive toward miniaturization. Across...
AIMPLAS, por la sostenibilidad del plástico y la seguridad de las personas
12/12/2024 - tos de AIMPLAS (function(h,o,t,j,a,r){ h.hj=h.hj||function(){(h.hj.q=h.hj.q||[]).push(arguments)}; h._hjSettings={hjid:2157578,hjsv:6}; ...
Caracol and AES Partner to advance Additive Manufacturing in aerospace & defense
10/12/2024 - The Italy-based company specializing in 3D printing services, CRP Technology, has expanded its suite of production and post-processing capabilities, offering clients a fully integrated process from...
Multi-material technology combines several functions in a single component
10/12/2024 - Voxeljet has expanded its High Speed Sintering (HSS) network to include production partner FKM Sintertechnik. Both companies are working together closely to further optimise the process parameters of...
Why the healthcare industry is obsessed with medical plastics
10/12/2024 - Plastics have long been receiving criticism from across the world, and there is a point in those condemnations, too; the material has caused enough damage for it to have a separate...
Arburg felicita la Navidad
10/12/2024 - Arburg ha felicitado la Navidad con el siguiente mensaje: “¡Les deseamos una Navidad maravillosa y en paz y todo lo mejor para 2025, especialmente mucha...
AGI lleva la impresión 3D a Advanced Manufacturing Madrid 2024
02/12/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">183
New Polymer Enhances DLP 3D Printing
- A team of researchers at Duke University has created a polymer suitable for use in commercial 3D printers without requiring a solvent. This...
Milan hosts Green Plast 2025: A global showcase for sustainable plastics solutions
28/11/2024 - From September 22 to 26, 2025, EMO Hannover will once again host the Startup Area, bringing together young companies and established industry players. Supported by VDW, VDMA Startup-Machine Services,...
Impossible Objects announces Europe-wide availability of world’s fastest 3D printer
26/11/2024 - Can ceramics revolutionise modern mould making? The competence trio consisting of BCE Special Ceramics GmbH, Kramski GmbH and Zecha Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrikation GmbH is dedicated to answering this...