Economía Circular


Economía Circular

Power Adhesives launches first-to-market biodegradable hot melt for carton and corrugated packaging industry 
19/09/2024 - Marking a world-first, UK-headquartered Power Adhesives has announced the launch of its fully certified, biodegradable, shaped hot melt adhesive designed for use by carton, corrugated...
Heimkompostierbare Kaffeekapseln: NESPRESSO bringt Kapsel-Innovation nach Österreich
19/09/2024 - Die HOME COMPOSTABLE Collection garantiert das gewohnte Nespresso Kaffeeerlebnis Die HOME COMPOSTABLE Collection garantiert das gewohnte Nespresso Kaffeeerlebnis © Nespresso /...
Cumple con la Ley 2232/2022 de Colombia: Alternativas biodegradables para tu empresa
- El pasado 7 de julio de 2024 entro en vigor la Ley 2232 de 2022 en Colombia que prohíbe el uso de ciertos plásticos de un solo uso como bolsas, pitillos,...
CSIRO and Murdoch University launch the Bioplastics Innovation Hub to end plastic waste
12/09/2024 - © Murdoch UniversityCSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, and Murdoch University have launched The Bioplastics Innovation Hub, an $8 million collaboration that will work with...
Compost-a-Ball™, the World’s First Compostable Pickleball Ball, presented by Professional Pickleball Partners
12/09/2024 - Made with a unique, patented blend of wheat straw and rice husk, Compost-a-Ball™ breaks down in around 100 days in landfills, leaving less waste behind while improving soil health. This serves up a...
Leather from industrial hemp: innovative and sustainable material for future car interiors
11/09/2024 - Volkswagen brand cooperates with Revoltech GmbH start-upAim: to develop an innovative and sustainable surface material for the automotive...
Volkswagen inicia una cooperación con la start-up alemana Revoltech GmbH para investigar y desarrollar materiales sostenibles basados en el cáñamo industrial
04/09/2024 - Volkswagen ha iniciado una cooperación con la start-up alemana Revoltech GmbH, de Darmstadt. El objetivo es investigar y desarrollar materiales sostenibles basados en el...
Biorepack fa i conti della sostenibilità
06/09/2024 - Pubblicato dal consorzio il primo Rapporto di sostenibilità, elaborato dalla School of Management della Bocconi. 6 settembre...
CSIRO and Murdoch University launch the Bioplastics Innovation Hub
- CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, and Murdoch University (Perth, Australia) have launched The Bioplastics Innovation Hub, an AUD 8 million (USD 5.4 million) collaboration that will work...
Compostable Pickleballs
- Professional Pickleball Partners (Kansas City, KS, USA) introduce the Compost-a-Ball™. The world's first compostable pickleball ball is designed to keep the rallies going and the planet...
Film galleggiante per vaschette APET
03/09/2024 - Südpack presenterà alla Fachpack di Norimberga una soluzione per agevolare la selezione e il riciclo delle confezioni per alimenti. ...
CSIR showcases locally developed compostable, bio-based plastic products
19/08/2024 - The CSIR bio-based plastic formulations meet technical and mechanical properties, are compostable and can be used in local manufacturing. The…Full text:
Aimplas, el grupo MATS de la Universitat de València y Prime Biopolymers colaboran en el proyecto BIOFAST
06/08/2024 - El proyecto BIOFAST ha concluido con éxito, alcanzando su objetivo principal: reducir el tiempo de los ensayos de biodegradación de los bioplásticos en entornos de...
Reti da pesca in bioplastica
05/08/2024 - Un programma di ricerca UE appena completato ha studiato soluzioni volte a ridurre l'inquinamento da plastiche sulla terraferma e in mare. ...
Bayer prueba con éxito un bioplástico compostable para uso agrícola
18/07/2024 - El nuevo material, desarrollado por Novamont, puede gestionarse sin separarlo de los residuos vegetales, evitando la presencia de microplásticos en el compost.Rafia y clips de plástico se...
Biodegradable plastic exists – but it’s not cheap
31/07/2024 - From cellphone cases made of starch to diapers that compost in soil, products made from bioplastics are more accessible than ever. You can…Full text:
Bioplastics from cassava boosting local economy in Nagaland
31/07/2024 - Dr Arun Kumar Sarma, Director General of NECTAR, Tukti Longkumer of MCCI & MEC, Dr Akumtoshi Longkumer and others at the launch of Ecostarch Bio Plastic Manufacturing Unit in Changtongya New,...
TIPA and the Fresh-Lock Team Collaborate to Enhance the Home Compostable Packaging Market
30/07/2024 - © Fresh-LockTIPA, a global leader in compostable packaging solutions, and Fresh-Lock® closures, a leading brand in reclosable flexible packaging technology, are collaborating to advance...