Economía Circular


Economía Circular

Zement-Recycling – ein günstiger und effizienter Weg zu tieferen Emissionen
24/07/2024 - Das Recycling von Zementstein ist eine der billigsten und effizientesten Möglichkeiten, um die Emissionen aus der Zementproduktion zu senken, wie eine
Prodotti chimici dall'aria
24/07/2024 - In Germania si studia un processo integrato per ricavare etilene e syngas dalla CO2 presente in atmosfera. 24 luglio 2024...
CCUS Capture Capacity to Reach 2.5 Gigatonnes Per Annum By 2045
23/07/2024 - Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies strip carbon dioxide (CO2) from waste gases and directly from the atmosphere before either storing it underground or using it...
ACCIONA Energía firma un PPA con Grupo Iberostar para el suministro renovable en España
- ACCIONA Energía ha anunciado hoy un acuerdo de venta de energía (PPA) para suministrar 80GWh/año de electricidad 100% renovable a Grupo Iberostar durante 11 años. El suministro cubrirá todas...
Why carbon capture and storage is not the solution
18/07/2024 - Carbon capture and storage (CCS) continues to be hailed as a potential way to reduce emissions, even though it is…Full text:
ESG Clean Energy’s Patented Technology More than Doubles CO2- Capture Rate
17/07/2024 - ESG Clean Energy, LLC (“ESG”), developers of power generation/carbon capture systems with a nearly Zero Carbon output, announced today that ongoing testing results at its facility in...
New Report: Alternative Naphtha – Technologies and Market, Status and Outlook
17/07/2024 - For the defossilisation of the chemical industry it is crucial to find alternatives to fossil-based naphtha. The “alternative naphtha” concept makes use of existing refinery,...
ACCIONA Energía se adjudica el suministro eléctrico de la Biblioteca Nacional de España
- ACCIONA Energía ha sido escogida para suministrar energía 100% renovable a la Biblioteca Nacional de España durante doce meses.La compañía suministrará electricidad renovable...
SBTi's Draft Chemical Sector Guidance Stifles Innovation and Fails to Support Industry Decarbonization Initiatives
- WASHINGTON (July 15, 2024) – The American Chemistry Council (ACC) is concerned that the draft Chemical Sector Guidance issued by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) does not advance...
Advanced Recycling Technologies: Facts, Capacities, and Future Growth
15/07/2024 - As the world struggles with the mounting waste crisis, stringent recycling quotas and robust policy frameworks are driving the rapid development and adoption of advanced recycling...
The IntegrityNext Carbon Emissions Navigator – The Smart Path to Decarbonization
15/07/2024 - We’re delighted to announce the launch of the latest in a series of innovative product enhancements to the IntegrityNext platform – the new Carbon Emissions...
Why MOF Players Are Becoming Carbon Capture Companies
15/07/2024 - Owing to their exceptional design flexibility, structural versatility, and high porosity, metal-
Erstmals Lieferkette für nachhaltigere Polyesterfasern etabliert, hergestellt aus CO2-basiertem Material und erneuerbaren sowie biobasierten Rohstoffen
12/07/2024 - Neste liefert Neste RE, einen Rohstoff für Kunststoffe und Chemieprodukte, der aus biobasierten Materialien hergestellt wird. © NesteEin Konsortium von sieben Unternehmen aus...
What’s New in the World of Cellulose Fibre and Biosynthetics?
12/07/2024 - The well-established annual “Cellulose Fibres Conference”, organised by nova-Institute, is preparing for a new round in 2025 with a broader focus.The textile...
World’s first supply chain established for more sustainable polyester fiber based on CO2-derived material as well as renewable and bio-based materials
12/07/2024 - Neste provides renewable Neste RE, a raw material for polymers and chemicals made from bio-based materials. © NesteA consortium of seven companies across five countries has jointly...
Only One Week Left to Save 20% – Book your Advanced Recycling Conference tickets by July 16th!
10/07/2024 - This unique event covers all – extrusion, dissolution, enzymolysis, solvolysis, pyrolysis, thermal depolymerisation, gasification with Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), pre-and...
The real climate impact of Blue Hydrogen and Gas-CCS
08/07/2024 - Proponents of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technologies promise that CCUS-based hydrogen (i.e., blue hydrogen) and gas power plants with CCS (i.e., gas-CCS) can offer a...
A supply chain for more sustainable polyester fiber established
06/07/2024 - A consortium of seven companies across...
Neste Joins Consortium to Supply Renewable Raw Material for Polyester Production
- TAGS:  Sustainability / Natural Solutions    A...
ACCIONA Energía y Prologis se alían para impulsar las comunidad solares en España
- ACCIONA Energía ha anunciado hoy un acuerdo con Prologis, líder global en el sector inmobiliario logístico, para instalar comunidades solares en varias de sus propiedades en...