Economía Circular


Economía Circular

The POLYMEER project: Transforming brewers' waste into bioplastics
09/10/2024 - The POLYMEER project aims to establish a sustainable bio-based value chain for bioplastic products. This will convert wet brewers' spent grain into high-added value material, diversifying the...
Sumi subsidiary launches collection, recycling operations
09/10/2024 - Sumi subsidiary launches collection, recycling operationsâ?? By staff â?? Suomen Maatalousmuovien Kierrà¤tys, a subsidiary of Finnish waste disposal service provider Sumi...
Challenging start for the EU’s revenue based on non-recycled plastic packaging waste
08/10/2024 - The new own resource generated over €7 billion for the EU budget in 2023Poor-quality estimates of plastic packaging waste lead EU countries to understate...
Entrevista a Enrique Padilla, CEO de MKP
08/10/2024 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">154
Comienza RUGUPLAS, un proyecto que evaluará la viabilidad técnica del uso del alga invasora Rugulopteryx okamurae para la producción de bioplásticos aplicables en el sector pesquero
- AIMPLAS participa en este proyecto coordinado por la Asociación Hombre y Territorio y en el que colaboran tres cofradías de pesca: Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz), Estepona (Málaga) y...
Stakeholder Perspectives Along the Entire Value Chain – Interview with the WaterProof partner IZES gGmbH
07/10/2024 - The Horizon Europe project WaterProof is developing an innovative process for the electrochemical conversion of CO?-emissions from waste incineration and wastewater treatment into formic...
First Solar-Powered Ferry Constructed with Natural Fibre Composites is Launched on Adriatic Sea
07/10/2024 - © BcompBcomp is very pleased to announce that an eco-catamaran partially built with Bcomp’s flax-fibre composite ampliTex™ has begun ferrying passengers around the Port of Rovinj in...
BIOFAST helps reduce the time taken for biodegradation tests on bioplastics in composting environments
07/10/2024 - © AIMPLASThe BIOFAST Project has successfully concluded and achieved its main objective: to reduce the time taken to carry out biodegradation tests on bioplastics in composting...
Titan Resource Management & the Proton Group: A new collaboration
07/10/2024 - Titan Resource Management has teamed up with the Proton Group to create a circular economy opportunity for their clients. This collaboration is set to bring significant benefits to the hospitality...
La planta de reciclaje de plástico de Veolia en Badajoz obtiene la certificación de Fin de Condición de Residuo
03/10/2024 - El reconocimiento acredita que la instalación cumple con la normativa por la que se establecen los criterios para determinar cuándo los residuos termoplásticos sometidos a tratamientos mecánicos...
CIEDA y FIREC organizan una serie de encuentros web sobre prevención y reutilización de residuos
03/10/2024 - Las sesiones, de carácter gratuito, se celebrarán del 10 al 31 de octubre y contará con las intervenciones de reconocidos expertos de la universidad y la administración.El Centro...
Digital product pass for plastic packaging materials to simplify the use of recycled materials
04/10/2024 - The COPPA project is creating a digital platform that shares the digital product pass for packaging materials across several stages of the value chain. © Luca Hoffmannbeck,...
Neste & Tepsa strengthen chemical recycling logistics infrastructure in Europe
- Neste (Espoo, Finland) enhances its chemical recycling capabilities by collaborating with Tepsa Netherlands on the storage and handling of liquefied waste plastic in Rotterdam, the...
Steps towards enzymes capable of breaking down PE
- Every year, 400 million tonnes of plastic products are produced worldwide, half of which are single-use items discarded within a year. Particularly, non-biodegradable plastic waste, which...
QM Recycled Energy installs a modular waste pre-treatment system
04/10/2024 - In an effort to develop a national network of plastic waste-2-oil systems, QM Recycled Energy (QMRE) has installed a comprehensive pre-treatment system. This ensures that the oil produced from the...
PersiSKIN AUTO, la piel vegetal que transformará la industria del automóvil
06/10/2024 - PersiSKIN AUTO es un material innovador que emplea residuos de caqui para ofrecer una alternativa sostenible a la piel natural y a otros revestimientos...
Stratview Research releases carbon fiber recycling outlook report
01/10/2024 - Global carbon fiber demand and estimated waste (2019-2024)....
Investigan la obtención de bioplásticos a partir de una alga invasora
01/10/2024 - El proyecto RUGUPLAS evaluará la viabilidad técnica del uso del alga invasora Rugulopteryx okamurae para la producción de bioplásticos aplicables en el sector pesquero, uno de los más...
CARBIOS and Selenis announce strategic partnership to produce PETG
02/10/2024 - CARBIOS, a pioneer in the development and industrialisation of biological...