Economía Circular


Economía Circular

A Case Study on Integrating an Eco-Design Tool into the Construction Decision-Making Process
16/11/2024 - To enhance the sustainability of construction and meet the sector’s environmental agenda, it is essential to comprehensively scrutinize the environmental, social, and economic impacts...
Eco-Design of Thermopressing through Induction of 100% Coriander-Based Fiberboards: Optimization of Molding Conditions
01/10/2024 - The hot pressing process for 100% coriander-based fiberboards was optimized using an induction RocTool system, which offers rapid mold heating and cooling. The fiberboards were made using deoiled...
Energy Consumption for Furniture Joints during Drilling in Birch Plywood
10/04/2024 - The purpose of this study is to support eco-design ideas and sustainable manufacturing techniques by examining the energy consumption related to drilling holes for different furniture connections....
Surface Chalking upon Weathering of Dark-Colored PVC Articles and Relevant Stabilizers
10/04/2024 - PVC items (38% carbon atoms w/w) are environmentally friendly as, unlike polyolefins (86% carbon atoms w/w), they are mainly based on chlorine, one of the most abundant elements on Earth and, so,...
Waste Cooking Oil as Eco-Friendly Rejuvenator for Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
24/03/2024 - Over 50 MioT of Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) was collected worldwide in 2020 from domestic and industrial activities, constituting a potential hazard for both water and land environments, and requiring...
Disassemblability Assessment of Car Parts: Lessons Learned from an Ecodesign Perspective
11/03/2024 - A conventional vehicle requires more than 50 different metals in its manufacturing, most of which are critical. Given this circumstance, enhancing sustainability from a raw materials perspective...
Biocomposite Materials Derived from Andropogon halepensis: Eco-Design and Biophysical Evaluation
06/03/2024 - This research work presents a “green” strategy of weed valorization for developing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with promising interesting applications. Two types of AgNPs...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 126: A Multidisciplinary Optimization Framework for Ecodesign of Reusable Microsatellite Launchers
31/01/2024 - The commercial space launch sector is currently undergoing a significant shift, with increasing competition and demand for launch services, as well as growing concerns about the environmental impact...
Eco-Design and Characterization of Sustainable Lightweight Gypsum Composites for Panel Manufacturing including End-of-Life Tyre Wastes
28/01/2024 - The incorporation of rubber recycled aggregates from end-of-life tyres (ELT) in the manufacturing process of sustainable building materials has gained great interest in recent decades as a result of...
Enhancing Sustainability in Power Electronics through Regulations and Standards: A Literature Review
25/01/2024 - Considering sustainability in Power Electronics (PE) is a relatively recent topic of interest. However, the existing regulatory and normative frameworks supposed to guide designers and industries in...
Aerospace, Vol. 11, Pages 86: Sustainability-Driven Design of Aircraft Composite Components
18/01/2024 - The current prevailing trend in design across key sectors prioritizes eco-design, emphasizing considerations of environmental aspects in the design process. The present work aims to take a...
Utilizing Design Objectives and Key Performance Indicators as a Means for Multi-Species Building Envelopes
16/01/2024 - Population growth, urbanization, and climate change have significantly contributed to environmental degradation, posing severe consequences for humans and other species. By integrating ecological...
An Imported Environmental Crisis: Plastic Mismanagement in Africa
12/01/2024 - Plastic waste pollution is currently one of the main items on international agendas. It leads to more and more leakages and constitutes a dangerous threat to living beings and the ecosystem (toxic...
Development of Eco-Friendly Biocomposite Films Based on Opuntia ficus-indica Cladodes Powder Blended with Gum Arabic and Xanthan Envisaging Food Packaging Applications
25/12/2023 - Currently, food packaging is facing a critical transition period and a major challenge: it must preserve the food products’ quality and, at the same time, it must meet the current...
Print Durability and Recyclability of Label Paper Equipped with Printed RFID Antenna
22/12/2023 - Labels are a crucial component of products, offering informational content and attractive visuals; therefore, the durability of the print is an important quality requirement. On the other hand, in...
Cleaner Leather Tanning and Post-Tanning Processes Using Oxidized Alginate as Biodegradable Tanning Agent and Nano-Hydroxyapatite as Potential Flame Retardant
11/12/2023 - In this study, sodium alginate (SA) was oxidized with potassium periodate to produce an alginate-based tanning agent. Using OSA as a biodegradable tanning agent and a nano-hydroxyapatite (nano-HAp)...
Organic and Biogenic Nanocarriers as Bio-Friendly Systems for Bioactive Compounds’ Delivery: State-of-the Art and Challenges
07/12/2023 - “Green” strategies to build up novel organic nanocarriers with bioperformance are modern trends in nanotechnology. In this way, the valorization of bio-wastes and the use...
Systematic Insights into a Textile Industry: Reviewing Life Cycle Assessment and Eco-Design
25/10/2023 - The worldwide textile sector is one of the most polluting and consuming natural resource value chains. In recent years, trends have demonstrated a linear model driven by fast fashion, increasing the...
Eco-Design of Polymer Matrix Composite Parts: A Review
02/09/2023 - This research presents a series of analyses related to the eco-design of polymer matrix composite parts, addressing various aspects of it. The main objective was to clarify the definition of...
Towards Sustainable Construction: A Systematic Review of Circular Economy Strategies and Ecodesign in the Built Environment
13/08/2023 - This review discusses the unsustainable nature of current production and consumption patterns, particularly in the civil construction sector. To address this, the circular economy model has been...