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New 2D Polymers Bridge the Gap in Electron Mobility for Organic Semiconductors
22/04/2024 - Apr 22 2024Reviewed by Lexie CornerIn a recent paper published in Chem, researchers from Pohang University of Science and...
Dutch project BIOTTEK aims to develop new biopolyester with 6.6 million EUR investment
18/10/2023 - A consortium of Senbis and Dutch universities and research institutes plans to invest 6.6 million EUR in the development of a new biodegradable...
Dutch project BIOTTEK aims to develop new biopolyester with EUR 6.6 million investment
- A consortium of Senbis (Emmen, the Netherlands) and Dutch universities and research institutes plans to invest 6.6 million EUR in the development of a new biodegradable polyester The consortium...
Japan Provides Update on Positive List Developments
12/09/2023 - Japan’s Positive List (PL) of synthetic resins for food utensils, containers, and packaging (UCP) is expected to be fully implemented from June 1, 2025. The public was invited to submit comments...
Researchers Develop Stretchable Hydrogel to Impart Flexibility & Rigidity in Polymers
- TAGS:  Surface Modification     Chenfeng Ke, an incoming...
Investigadores de la Universidad Shinshu de Japón crean nuevos plásticos estables y fácilmente reciclables por disolución
13/07/2023 - Participación de micropartículas de polimetilmetracrilato, que se obtiene por polimerización acuosa de monómeros de metilacrilato. Secando el disolvente, se pueden generar films de bajo...
NuScale Power claims Nuclear power can enhance plastics recycling process
31/05/2023 -  NuScale Power says its new research demonstrates the advanced capabilities of NuScale small modular reactors (SMRs) for reducing emissions in industrial sectors, which is critical to meeting global...
Researchers Cook up a New Way to Remove Microplastics from Water
14/11/2022 - Nov 14 2022Reviewed by Megan Craig, M.Sc.Researchers at Princeton Engineering have found a way to turn your...
OCSiAl expands its graphene nanotube production capacities to Europe
- The graphene nanotube synthesis facility in Serbia will leverage OCSiAl’s unique production technology. The company’s technology is protected by more than 80 patents and patent applications,...
K 2022: Palsgaard to launch plant-based additive to replace existing PP and PE polymerisation technology
16/06/2022 - Speaking at a pre-K event in Rotterdam today, additive specialist Palsgaard announced it will launch a new anti-fouling additive for use during the PP and PE polymerisation process – dubbed Einar...
A new solution for wastewater remediation
- Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Synthetic dyes are used across a wide variety of industries and constitute a serious concern when it comes to water pollution. These dyes...
New Electrolyte Could Advance All Solid-State Batteries
04/03/2022 - By Shaheer RehanMar 4 2022Reviewed by Megan Craig,...
Bottlebrush polymers create a rainbow of structural colors
15/04/2021 - Researchers create a new and elegant way of producing nanostructured microparticles, yielding a vibrant palette of colors from a single polymer brush. Have you...
New Green Method to Make Polymer Production More Sustainable
- A group of all-RIKEN chemists has developed a polymer that exhibits the potential to catalyze its formation in an eco-friendly...