


Taller de Laminación de Films Complejos (18ª edición)"
28/11/2023 - El proceso de laminación con adhesivos permite obtener estructuras multicapa de films que se utilizan como envase flexible en gran variedad de aplicaciones: packaging alimentos, productos...
Extrusión de materiales plásticos para la obtención de productos flexibles y semi-rígidos (6ª edición)"
17/10/2023 - Hoy en día existe una gran cantidad de materiales plásticos, tanto sintéticos como naturales, que poseen importantes propiedades e infinidad de aplicaciones. El sector de la extrusión es uno...
International Window Film Conference and Tint-Off 2023
Del 20/09/2023 al 22/09/2023 - Virginia Beach, Virginia
Sheet Extrusion 101
13/07/2023 - Which screw designs work on which raw materials? How is a motor calculated? And when is a multi-channel-die required? The webinar guides the audience through the process of selecting proper sheet...
Webinar: Fin de vida de los bioplásticos. Escenarios alternativos. (4ª edición)"
14/06/2023 - La concienciación medioambiental está creciendo exponencialmente a nivel social, creando la necesidad de adquirir productos más sostenibles. En la actualidad existe una amplia gama de productos...
Multilayer Flexible Packaging North America
Del 20/06/2023 al 21/06/2023 - Returning to the packaging heartland of Chicago, IL, this event welcomes expert speakers to share latest market insights and developments in high value-add film solutions. Expect a focus on balancing...
Agricultural Film North America
Del 15/08/2023 al 16/08/2023 - Diverse agricultural landscapes require tailored solutions. Learn how to help protect crops and safeguard vital resources such as water and soil, in this two-day event in Texas.
Biax Film Global
Del 26/09/2023 al 28/09/2023 - Biax Film is the only global event dedicated exclusively to the bi-oriented film industry. This unique forum for the entire BOPP, BOPET, BOPA and BOPE supply chain provides delegates with the...
Polyethylene Films North America - 2023
Del 31/01/2023 al 02/02/2023 - Connecting industry professionals to explore the latest technical developments and trends
Stretch & Shrink Film Asia - 2023
Del 22/02/2023 al 23/02/2023 - Exploring Asian and global trends within the stretch and shrink film to optimise sustainability and transit operations
Agricultural Film Europe - 2023
Del 06/03/2023 al 08/03/2023 - Maximising crop yields with an effective use of silage, mulch and greenhouse films to feed the growing global population
Stretch & Shrink Film Europe - 2023
Del 18/04/2023 al 20/04/2023 - Exploring the trends and shaping the future outlook of stretch and shrink films
Multilayer Flexible Packaging North America - 2023
Del 20/06/2023 al 21/06/2023 - Addressing innovations in multilayer film to deliver efficient, optimized pack formats in North America and beyond
Agricultural Film North America - 2023
Del 15/08/2023 al 16/08/2023 - Exploring innovations in silage, mulch and greenhouse films for enhanced crop productivity and preservation
Biax Film Europe - 2023
Del 26/09/2023 al 28/09/2023 - Connecting the global bi-oriented film supply chain to deliver future material solutions