ISO/ASTM 52926-1:2023 - Additive manufacturing of metals — Qualification principles — Part 1: General qualification of operators
This document specifies the activities and responsibilities of the AM operators in the field of the additive manufacturing (AM) technologies dealing with metallic parts production.This...
ISO/ASTM 52935:2023 - Additive manufacturing of metals — Qualification principles — Qualification of coordination personnel
This document specifies qualification requirements for coordination personnel in industrial manufacturing sites responsible for additive manufacturing of metal parts.This document is...
ISO/ASTM 52924:2023 - Additive manufacturing of polymers — Qualification principles — Classification of part properties
This document establishes the required or the achievable classes of part properties for additive manufactured polymer parts in order to get a common understanding on part quality. It is aimed...
ISO 22553-16:2022 - Paints and varnishes — Electro-deposition coatings — Part 16: Pigment-binder ratio
This document specifies a test method for determining the pigment-binder ratio.It applies to electro-deposition coatings for automotive industries and other general industrial...
ISO 22553-15:2022 - Paints and varnishes — Electro-deposition coatings — Part 15: Permeate residues
This document specifies a test method for estimating the influence of jetting liquids from the rinsing process after electro-deposition coating (permeate residues) on a coating.It...
ISO 22553-10:2022 - Paints and varnishes — Electro-deposition coatings — Part 10: Edge protection
This document specifies a test method for the evaluation of protection against corrosion of edges and stamping burrs by electro-deposition coatings.It applies to electro-deposition...
ISO 9528:2022 - Aerospace — Standard-weight polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) hose assemblies, classification 204 °C/21 000 kPa — Procurement specification
This document specifies requirements for standard-weight polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) hose assemblies for use in aircraft hydraulic systems at temperatures between –55 °C and +204 °C...
ISO 9938:2022 - Aerospace — Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) hose assemblies, classification 204 °C/28 000 kPa — Procurement specification
This document specifies requirements for polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) hose assemblies for use in aircraft hydraulic systems at temperatures between –55 °C and +204 °C and at a nominal...
ISO 22553-13:2021 - Paints and varnishes — Electro-deposition coatings — Part 13: Determination of re-solving behaviour
01/03/2021 -
This document specifies a method for determining the re-solving effect of electro-deposition coatings.It applies to electro-deposition coatings for automotive industries and other...
ISO 22553-14:2021 - Paints and varnishes — Electro-deposition coatings — Part 14: Deposition behaviour
01/03/2021 -
This document specifies a method for determining the deposition behaviour of an electro-deposition coating (e-coat) on various substrates and with various pre-treatments.It applies to...