Legislación del sector plástico


Legislación del sector plástico

Circular on environmental and energy considerations in government procurement
25/05/2022 - En la contratación pública, se exigirá el etiquetado ecológico con la etiqueta ecológica con el cisne o la etiqueta medioambiental de la UE (o el cumplimiento de...
UAE GCC draft Technical regulation for Requirements of handling Energy drinks (4 pages in Arabic).
12/04/2012 - Description of content This draft technical regulation is concerned with regulation for Requirements of handling Energy drinks, which specifies the definitions of the product, and the quality...
Requirements of handling Energy drinks (5 pages, in Arabic).
13/04/2012 - Description of content This draft technical regulation specifies the requirements stated in the Gulf standard GSO 1926 "Requirements of handling Energy drinks" under clause 7 (labelling) as...