


Los “motion plastics” de igus, hasta 30 veces más duraderos y 29 veces más sostenibles
- igus destaca una vez más como pionera en la industria con una nueva garantía de cuatro años para muchos de sus productos. Esta garantía no demuestra sólo la...
Resistencia sin renunciar a las propiedades mecánicas
23/05/2024 - oticia-detall-autor-social-links">204
Weidmüller, sobre ruedas en BIEMH, donde muestra la evolución de su sistema operativo u-OS
- En esta edición de BIEMH 2024, Weidmüller (Pabellón 6, Stand E43) presentará la evolución de su sistema operativo u-OS. Para ello, ha evolucionado sus softwares...
El etiquetado de igus corrobora que los cables chainflex están libres de PFAS
- Al igual que las sustancias químicas de la familia de los PFAS, determinados compuestos de politetrafluoroetileno (PTFE) pueden tardar siglos en desaparecer, por lo que se trata de...
Modern cable ducts lines
08/05/2024 - The cable ducts are used worldwide, especially for the installation of fiber optic cables for internet expansion. The production of these pipes is particularly dependent on high precision and...
Komax, fabricación de extrusoras monohusillo y coextrusoras
07/05/2024 - ="noticia-detall-autor-social-links">
Guill Features New Rotary Die and Cam Lock Design at NPE
07/05/2024 - Guill Tool, the global leader in extrusion tooling, is set to unveil new, simplified designs for its cam lock feature and rotary die at NPE 2024: The Plastics Show. The show will take place May...
Guill features new rotary die and cam lock design at NPE 2024
01/05/2024 - Guill Tool is set to launch new, simplified designs for its cam lock feature and rotary die at NPE 2024 on 6-10th May 2024 in Orlando, Florida.   ...
Neste & Lotte Chemical Team Up to Use Renewable Feedstocks for Plastics Manufacturing
09/04/2024 - Neste and Lotte Chemical are teaming up to make chemicals and plastics more sustainable. The companies...
Coperion Presents Solutions for Efficient Cable Compounds Production at Wire 2024
15/04/2024 - At wire 2024 (April 15-19, 2024, Düsseldorf/Germany), Coperion is presenting flexible solutions for the efficient production of high-quality compounds for a wide variety of cable...
Solar Manufacturing ships Mentor Pro Furnace to a global leader of wire mesh products
- Solar Manufacturing, Sellersville, PA, has shipped a Mentor Pro Model HFL-3036-2IQ vacuum furnace to a customer specializing in engineered knitted wire mesh solutions. They are a USA-based...
DC power converter that provides significant boost and efficiency
- Researchers at Kobe University, Japan, in partnership with National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, developed a new electrical power converter design that provides considerably better efficiency at...
Flame Retardant Masterbatch für Polypropylene
28/08/2023 - Flame Retardant Polypropylen One of the group’s major goals is sustainability, in line with the new upcoming regulations of Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)....
Flexible Solutions for Efficient Cable Compounds Production
- Stuttgart, Germany, April 2024 – At wire 2024 (April 15-19, 2024, Düsseldorf/Germany) Coperion will present flexible solutions for the efficient production of high-quality compounds...
The Netherlands, France, the Czech Republic and Ireland call for a European policy package on sustainable carbon in the chemical industry
26/04/2024 - In order to make the transition from fossil to sustainable raw materials in the chemical industry, policy is needed at EU-level. The Netherlands, France, the Czech Republic and Ireland...
Macchi to exhibit new 5-layer R-POD Flex line at NPE 2024
10/04/2024 - On the occasion of the next NPE show (Orlando, Florida, 6-10 May) Macchi will be exhibiting a 5-layer R-POD Flex blown film line representing the...
Neste and Lotte Chemical team up on renewable chemicals and plastics
22/04/2024 - Collaboration targets replacing fossil resources with renewable raw materials in the manufacturing of chemicals and plasticsPotential to provide...
wire y Tube reflejan el buen momento que viven las industrias de alambres, cables y tubos
- Con 1.500 expositores de 60 países en 67.400 m2, la mayor wire de los casi 40 años de historia de éxito en Düsseldorf (Alemania) y Tube, con alrededor de 52.200 m2 y...