


Lightweight, Highly Extensible, and Anti?Leak Liquid Metal Elastomer Composites with an Interpenetrating Architecture
16/09/2024 - A reformed sugar template?based method is employed to prepare gallium?based liquid metal?filled elastomers (LMECs), which allows the uniform dispersion of liquid?metal (LM) droplets within the...
An imine?functionalized silicone?based epoxy coating with stable adhesion and controllable degradation for enhanced marine antifouling and anticorrosion properties
18/09/2024 - Biofouling and corrosion of submerged equipment caused by marine organisms severely restrict the rapid development of the marine industry. Traditional antifouling or anticorrosion coatings typically...
Eco?efficiency improvement strategies for disinfectants
18/09/2024 - Disinfectants are essential products for reducing health risks, but they also have significant environmental impacts. This study assessed the Eco?efficiency of disinfectants based on the NBR ISO...
Effect of silane coupling agent on mechanical properties, flame retardancy, and ceramifiable behavior of ceramifiable flame?retardant silicone rubber composite
17/09/2024 - In order to improve the dispersibility of inorganic fillers and enhance its ceramifiable flame?retardant efficiency, the ceramifiable flame?retardant silicone rubber composites were prepared using...
Constituent compatibility and physical properties of bio?based EUG/EPDM blends
18/09/2024 - High?performance poly(imide?imide) trimers for self?healing.AbstractPolyimide materials with high mechanical strength are widely used in various fields, but pose certain challenges in achieving...
Improving the electromechanical deformability of MWCNT/silicone composites via encapsulating MWCNT with polyphenols and multilayered structure regulation
19/09/2024 - Influence of the viscosity buildup on cell evolution of rigid polyurethane foamsAbstractThe viscoelastic properties development during the reactive foaming of four standard polyurethane formulations...
Squid?Inspired Anti?Salt Skin?Like Elastomers With Superhigh Damage Resistance for Aquatic Soft Robots
12/09/2024 - Inspired by the structure of reflectin proteins in cephalopod skins, the introduction of cation?? interaction into polyurethane constructs a skin?like elastomer with extraordinary damage resistance...
Preparation and characterization of cardanol based vinyl ester resins as cross?linker units
09/09/2024 - This study is devoted to developing heat? and oil?resistant TPV composites filled with carbon black (CB) based on hydrogenated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) and thermoplastic polyester...
In situ formation of PE?EPR core?shell rubber particles in polypropylene matrix by melt blending: Effect of PE chain structure and viscosity
10/09/2024 - Preparation technology of chitosan mixed natural phenolic aldehyde edible films and comparative study on their physicochemical properties and radical scavenging ability.AbstractIn this study, the...
Soft?Layered Composites with Wrinkling?Activated Multi?Linear Elastic Behavior, Stress Mitigation, and Enhanced Strain Energy Storage
29/08/2024 - In this study, exciting new bi?/multi?linear elastic behavior of soft elastic composites that accompany the activation of wrinkling in the embedded interfacial layers is analyzed. The new features...
3D Soft Architectures for Stretchable Thermoelectric Wearables with Electrical Self?Healing and Damage Tolerance
30/08/2024 - 3D?printed soft multifunctional composites enhance thermoelectric energy conversion by 70%. These stretchable thermoelectric generators exhibit exceptional structural robustness and damage tolerance,...
Porous Magnetic Soft Grippers for Fast and Gentle Grasping of Delicate Living Objects
29/08/2024 - A porous magnetic soft gripper (PMSG) is designed to address the inherent trade?off between shape adaptability and payload capacity. The porous structure imparts low impact force and high surface...
Insights into Factors Influencing Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) Foam Production and the Role of Induced Crystallization
30/08/2024 - This review provides a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted factors influencing TPE foam production, with a specific focus on the intriguing role of induced crystallization. TPE foams excel in...
High?Performance Intrinsically Stretchable Organic Photovoltaics Enabled by Robust Silver Nanowires/S?PH1000 Hybrid Transparent Electrodes
23/08/2024 - Herein, superior stretchable transparent electrodes (STEs) that possess both high conductivity and stretchability are developed. The STEs enable intrinsically stretchable organic photovoltaics...
Functional Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers with ?, ??Hydroxyl End?Functionalized Polyacrylates
22/08/2024 - A novel thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) is developed by integrating ?,??hydroxyl terminal?functionalized polyacrylate into the soft segment of traditional polyether polyol. This TPU exhibits...
A Facile Approach to Construct Novel Polyesters as Soft Midblock for Thermoplastic Elastomers
23/08/2024 - A facile synthetic strategy was developed to prepare a class of CL?based monomers (R?TO) with a variety of functionalities and well?defined stereochemistry by exploit of epoxides, which readily...
Sustainable thermoplastic elastomers based on thermoplastic polyurethane and ground tire rubber
23/08/2024 - This work is a first step toward the exploitation of narrow?leaved lupins (Lupinus angustifolius L.) for the production of biodegradable and thermoformable biopolymer films. By the addition of...
Digital Multiphase Composites via Additive Manufacturing
21/08/2024 - Multiphase composites created using additive manufacturing exhibit a wide range of mechanical behaviors relevant to synthetic tissues, and allow designers to exert unprecedented control over local...
Effect of polybutadiene grafted methyl methacrylate copolymer on the mechanical performance of PC/ABS composites
17/08/2024 - A CO2?based thermoplastic elastomer, poly(propylene carbonate)?multiblock?polyamide6 (PPC?mb?PA6) copolymer, was constructed through coupling soft/amorphousPPC blocks and hard/crystalline PA6 blocks....
UiO?66?NH2 anchored sulfonated polyphenylene sulfide proton exchange membrane with high proton conductivity and low methanol permeability
16/08/2024 - The reuse of polyamide 66 is viable for the production of super?tough biopolyethylene, using reactive processing in a twin?screw extruder.AbstractPlastics reuse is essential for promoting a...
Improvement of Air Purification and Heat Recovery Systems for Industrial Emissions
13/08/2024 - Nonwoven microfibrous materials were electrospun from polystyrene solutions of concentrations 15-25 wt% in various solvents (DMF, THF, CHCl3, and EtOAc). Scanning electron microscopy found that...