Economía Circular


Economía Circular

Precision and persistence: Malvern Engineering's rise with advanced machining
19/05/2024 - As part of its sustainability strategy to reduce its carbon footprint, the Schmersal Group plans to use 20 percent recycled material in the manufacture of safety switches with plastic housings....
Le CNE fait le point sur le réemploi
23/05/2024 - > Face à l’urgence climatique et à la nécessité de préserver les ressources, parler de « réemploi » des emballages de produits de grande consommation (PGC) est...
Dairen Chemical Corporation Joins The LYCRA Company and Qore® in the Development of Renewable LYCRA® Fiber
22/05/2024 - © The Lycra CompanyThe LYCRA Company, a global leader in developing innovative, sustainable solutions for the apparel and personal care industries, announced today that it has signed a...
Senza plastica gli imballaggi sono più sostenibili?
16/05/2024 - Uno studio del Politecnico di Milano sfata il mito e ribadisce la necessità di eseguire analisi LCA caso per caso, valutando anche gli aspetti sociali ed economici. ...
Distribution of Tide Ocean recyclates in parts of Europe
14/05/2024 - Distribution of Tide Ocean recyclates in parts of EuropeBy staffCompounder and plastics wholesaler WIS Kunststoffe (Breitungen, Germany;
Congresso sulle eco-plastiche
06/05/2024 - C'è tempo fino al 24 maggio per aderire al Call for Papers dell'evento che si terrà in ottobre ad Alessandria. 6 maggio 2024...
Ökodesign: Nachhaltige Produkte sollen zur Norm werden
03/05/2024 - © European CommissionDas Gesetz, mit den EU-Ländern bereits 
TAKE-OFF – Invitation Open Doors Day
02/05/2024 - CO2 Value Europe would like to invite you to this year’s TAKE-OFF Open Doors Day, which will be hosted by SDU on Friday the 14th of June in Odense, Denmark. The one-day event will...
Neste & Lotte Chemical Team Up to Use Renewable Feedstocks for Plastics Manufacturing
09/04/2024 - Neste and Lotte Chemical are teaming up to make chemicals and plastics more sustainable. The companies...
Antolin se suma al Pacto de Economía Circular impulsado por la Junta de Castilla y León
04/04/2024 - Antolin se ha adherido al Pacto de Economía Circular de Castilla y León impulsada por la Junta de Castilla y León. Con este pacto, la empresa manifiesta su compromiso por desarrollar un modelo de...
Watch: A practical view of sustainability in composites product development
28/04/2024 - Markus Beer is group leader of sustainability at Forward Engineering...
Flame Retardant Masterbatch für Polypropylene
28/08/2023 - Flame Retardant Polypropylen One of the group’s major goals is sustainability, in line with the new upcoming regulations of Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)....
Composites UK to Sit on Advisory Board for LCA Regulatory Science & Innovation Network (LCARSIN)
17/04/2024 - The LCA Regulatory Science & Innovation Network (LCARSIN) is a new network that will help the UK’s foundation industries and their downstream supply chains make better use of life cycle...
Neste and Lotte Chemical team up on renewable chemicals and plastics
22/04/2024 - Collaboration targets replacing fossil resources with renewable raw materials in the manufacturing of chemicals and plasticsPotential to provide...
Tecniplas combines FRP with ESG
- For Tecniplas, a manufacturer of FRP tanks and equipment, the demand for gas scrubbers has risen by more than 150% in the last two years, according to Luiz Gustavo Rossi, commercial director. He...
Next free PEFerence webinar with a market update on bio-based building blocks and polymers 
19/04/2024 - Save the date and register to the next PEFerence webinar! This time, Pia Skoczinski from nova-Institute will give a sophisticated insight into the dynamically growing market of bio-based...
LCA del flessibile al centro del congresso Giflex
18/04/2024 - Linee guida e, in futuro, una banca dati dedicata per elaborare analisi del ciclo di vita per l'intera filiera dell'imballaggio flessibile. ...
LCA sui polioli biobased in edilizia
18/04/2024 - COIM ha eseguito l'analisi confrontando i polioli Isoexter-E con quelli di origine fossile nella produzione di materiali isolanti a base poliuretanica. ...